The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

“I heard Jeff Clark is getting put in on Monday. That’s amazing. It will make a lot of patriots happy, and I’m personally so proud that you are at the tip of the spear, and I could call you a friend.”

Cool cool

I’m struggling to understand how Hamilton’s claim (which itself seems obvious) supports Pence doing whatever the fuck he wants.

I think Kamala Harris should refuse to recognize Republican electors from states that engage in voter suppression.


Going to be tough when Trump wins both the EC & the Popular Vote in 2024. I mean, I guess Biden did that too.

I mean It doesn’t but the Federalist papers is a bit like the Bible; you can use any line to justify what you wanted to do anyways

So Jordan didn’t totally waste his money on that law degree!

Because if they SAY it’s unconstitutional then obviously it IS. DUH.

and then there’s article two, which noone ever talks about, but it gives the president all these powers…


Perhaps Republicans should stop showering in protest.

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We might be approaching an nft crash.


Crypto world is gonna be wild during Donnie’s second term.

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It speaks to how lazy Trump has become as a hustler. The younger Trump would have released TrumpCoin crypto years ago.

Trump has such weird tunnel vision with his grifting. “Is there a way we can make the bitcoins stay at a Trump hotel and pay extra?”


That’s literal double-think isn’t it?

Worse than Jews, they’re Episcopalians!

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the NFT world is way ahead of you

I don’t know anything about it, really. It’s a world away; one of many.