The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

i dunno guys. a second trmp term scares me for sure. i’d sleep better if i knew it would never happen.

but having witnessed what an idiot he is at management of his own campaign, and the fact that his current campaign war-chest makes him the biggest mark in modern history. it’s quite possibly larger than his 2016 and 2020 funds combined. he’s not going to get grifted by parsquale this time. it’s going to be several people stealing bigger amounts even more brazenly. they’re going to toss at least a billion into a dumpster and flamethrower it.

I think I’d prefer trumps 2nd term. I think that’s better that us just slowly slipping into fascism because republicans rig the swing states so that it’s impossible for democrats to win a majority in Congress.

Loud, obvious, brash fascism that everyone has to acknowledge is better than quiet fascism that the media pretends isn’t happening.

Aka just fucking burn it all down. Maybe with loud fascism people organize and revolt in some way.

Even better if the republican legislature sends their own electors after a Dem wins the state.A

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that’s nuts. loud fascism is horrific.

This is all obviously correct


I was around people for the second time in a year this weekend and it made me understand I’m not in a great place mentally. I mean I knew that already but don’t have to see people’s reactions. We get Trump again they might as well box me up.


Yeah. I’ve decided I’m not going to my high school reunion next weekend. I just don’t want to. I always think of my old classmates as they were as kids anyway. We all believed in both democracy and science back then. I don’t want to know who’s gone over the ledge. Its bad enough that I already know of a few that have. The other thing is that I’m an extremely patient guy in a bunch of areas, but I just have no patience anymore for the Trumpy ones among us. I especially don’t want to get a few drinks in me and then hear the name Trump. I fear I would launch into a tirade which really wouldn’t be appropriate and could only damage my reputation. So I’m just going to opt out.


I’m from a small town in Michigan that went deep red for Trump. I can’t imagine what a class reunion would be like now. Have net been to one in over 20 years (approaching my 40th in 2023).

I personally can’t imagine why anyone would want to attend a class reunion ever, but then again I hate people, so my opinion is probably a little biased.


didn’t trump kill this chick? he told her to go in there. police gave her like 20 warnings

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First martyr of the revolution.

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High school reunions are bullshit anyways. Everybody’s the same except fatter and with kids they won’t shut the hell up about.

Plus you know what everybody’s doing because of social media.

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Hmm. Wonder if they’d be more interesting single?

I’m sure I would say something like “You want your kids to spend the rest of their lives living under a racist dictator? And you think that’s good parenting?”

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If they’re single, they’re probably not going. Single people normally have better shit to do than talk to married people about married people stuff.

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when will it be ok to dress up like ashlii for halloween? 3-4 years tops?

I think this year’s probably the only shot at it, no one will remember her by next Halloween.


Yes we see some pro and anti ashlii costumes this year.

If people remember Ashley with an I 25 years from now we are fucked

What a middle finger to the officers. Total embarrassment.