The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

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Wow who could have seen that coming


Even in the best case, the DOJ pursues contempt, it gets tied up in court and slow walked, if it even gets to SCOTUS, they stall until Rs retake the House but probably until Trump retakes the presidency.

But in reality, Merrick Garland isn’t going to do shit.

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Gonna make The Godfather II plot really dumb if this actually works


Bunch of fucking losers. It’s like we have a team of middle school hall monitors in charge of the House of Representatives.

Uh oh! They might have to tell Principal Garland about this!

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Lol democrats

Really hope Garland tells them to buzz off and enforce their own subpoenas, this 1/6 committee is such an epic waste of everyone’s time.

can they not arrest meadows when he’s on the floow?


If this doesn’t work he’ll probably try cadaver dogs.

Video shows some of the first rioters to break through the police line running past 15 reinforced windows, making a beeline for a recessed area on the Senate side of the building, where two unreinforced windows and two doors with unreinforced glass were all that stood between them and hallways leading to lawmakers inside who had not begun to evacuate.

Two possibilities:

  1. somebody sold us out.
  2. WWZ zombies.
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From thread one of the dead guys ran a red on his motorcycle.

A report!

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A couple more and they’ll get the free personal pan pizza :pizza:


Imo the interim Senate report is a pretty big deal. We are getting a decent idea of what actually went on and a continuing picture of how low the GOP and its supporters will stoop.

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Anyone even remotely paying attention already knows the answer to this.


Sadly that’s about 5% of the population

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Oh man, I fear we will get more use of electric boogaloo. Is Mari an UPer?