The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I was being facetious. Spicer and Hucks did some, especially early on their stints, IIRC, before disappearing somewhat. If I had to guess, I’d say Gaslight Barbie did the most, but honestly it’s all a bit of a blur.

LOL WH press corps. Spent more time on sympathy for Huckabeast being asked to leave a restaurant than asking meaningful questions (which literally never happened during hundreds of pressers)

…which fits to the title of her book:


Who the fuck is buying this book. You have to be seriously ill to do that.

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I’m kind of curious to be honest. Prolly won’t buy it, but hopefully any good bits will get curated and posted in the various places I read.


There are plenty of navel gazing insider LOLLAW and DC types that would be interested.

Likely got her book deal based on last name alone.

Here’s some Lindell content for you nice people:

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I’m happy it’s down and also know it’s a small thing. I had seen it but didn’t post about it because it is a small thing, but I should have, because I also believe in celebrating small things. Being happy for small things doesn’t exclude fighting for the big victories that we may never see, and it can be encouragement to keep fighting.

Could we get more context?

The Lee statue in Richmond was the focal point of the Richmond Floyd protests that radicalized Chad. Pretty sure he was arrested protesting it.

Has anybody checked on Mason to make sure he’s doing ok?


We each honor 9/11 in our own way


Still calling himself President lmao

No doubt there’s gonna be a bunch of election was rigged and 9/11 conspiracies in there

Just imagine how much Fox News et al would lose their shit if Trump was still president and Obama went to the White Sox game tonight.

I wish Trump supporters took a line from him here. This performative nationalism is complete horseshit.


Biden and Obama are going to fall over themselves showing who can deliver the most performative sadness while posing for photo-ops with W. Meanwhile Trump is hyping boxing matches like a chad. Dems are just decades behind the times, they have no clue what the voting public wants or how it feels. Oh god, let’s rush to Twitter to show the world what a bad boy Trump is, the voters will be outraged!

Dems are like Lisa Simpson winning perfect attendance awards while Bart makes fart noises in class and then they wonder why no one wants to vote Lisa for class president, what a bunch of absolute losers.