The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

lol holy shit - I thought the Brandenburg case thing was about Nuremberg.

wicked important

scholastic inquiry

your seat where you sit

“Hey guys, the House managers totally blew it by saying that Trump cultivated the insurrection over a long period of time when we’re supposedly trying him for spontaneously spurring on a mob to invade the Capitol. Since he did it this terrible thing over the course of several months, you must acquit.”

All of the process type arguments are designed for

  1. The uninformed masses to hear
  2. Cover for the choads to acquit because it makes sense to the uninformed masses.

It’s not a fucking trial in any other sense. Hell no laws or precedents even apply. It’s whatever rules 51 can agree to and whatever 67 can agree is conviction.

The whole D is just smoke and mirrors of the magic show of acquitting a fucking traitor to his oath.


“Did T win the election”

“Who asked that, I did m**********”

Needs a Samuel L Jackson meme @RiskyFlush

Why are there snakes in this motherfucking senate?


That’s politics? It’s full of snakes.

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Think he would have taken a bite out of Trump’s burger?

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This is why I do not get why Trump’s defense team was having trouble before. Trouble with what? Not wanting to look bad? The outcome was predetermined!

Lol, they understand. The mistake they’re making here is a simple one. They’re treating this like a criminal jury trial where the senate is the jury. I’ve seen plenty of good defense attorneys who have neither the facts nor the law on their side make really stupid arguments to try to confuse a jury. And it can work! But they’re not trying a criminal case. The Senate is acquitting and nothing they do or say is changing that. Their job is to not sound stupid in front of the audience of Americans who are watching this, and they are failing utterly at that.


Lol, we’re going to get Mittens again and nobody else, aren’t we?


I wonder what PI odds are for 51 now?

I don’t think so, I’d say mittens + both those 2 are a yes…getting any more is probably 0%

Just because of their reaction to the defence teams answer to the Pence Q.

51/52 is 7 cents, I’ve got a little on this.

riverman’s bracket still the favorite

I don’t know. Murkowski’s up again in '22.

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7 cents seems way too low. I’m putting money on that too.

Sasse and Collins seem very likely to convict but there’s probably value at that price.

Also lol President pro temp being a thing, these mega olds do not need more power and responsibility.

Murk is 88, she’s swung from 94 to 72 (you can guess how and why) back up to 88 today.

I have a little on the no side there too.

This is just a bizarre thing, some people seem to be really waffling like cassidy and if the defense did anything other than clown the whole thing it’d be pretty clearly 52 at most but who knows.