The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

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So they don’t swear pence in. He gets arrested.

President pelosi

Don’t think that would have happened

That is my instinct, too, but I think we would all be smart to remember that 4 years is effectively an eternity in politics and media. I don’t think any of us can say how well Trump would do in 4 years. Regardless of whether Trump still has standing among the Republican fascist base, it does not appear that the fascist instinct is losing appeal/steam within the Republican Party.

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Yeah I know he needs to be sworn in to officially become president. BUT who is in charge after the president expires and before someone else is sworn in?

What is the mechanism to skip the living VP and go to the Speaker?

Checkmate Constitution

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No one. The Cabinet officials have independent authority.

In snap power change news, I learned from the impeachment tapes yesterday the VP gets his own Football.

Homicide is a state/local crime. Can POTUS even pardon for that? Avoid trial? Probably. Would they be impeached and removed? Not of their own party were a majority in either house or senate.

If it happens in DC yes the president can pardon it.

Also isn’t swearing in basically theater? It isn’t in the constitution. I thought we went over this with Bidens oath of office that it wasn’t necessary for you to become president.


At least we can, once and for all, end this fantasy that Republicans give a flying fuck about police.

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The police have their Full Support (to murder black people and preserve white privilege).


I thought so too and wrote and deleted a post about it but the oath of office is in the Constitution:

So the swearing in part might be unnecessary but you have to say the magic words before you’re officially President.

Clownsel car



I dunno this one bothers me because AOC and the rest of the progressive caucus got shit on SO much because they didn’t try to force this M4A vote, it actually pisses me off. Like lots of progressives I know were calling them traitors, saying they’re why we don’t have M4A, saying they don’t support them anymore.

The amount of hate they still get and how much it divided the left is really infuriating.

Fuck Jimmy Dore.

I agree overall we should have a vote for M4A obv, just the context of what happened sucks.


really was inevitable, that batch is mostly just in it for the fun of hating others.

Ughhhhhhhhhh we run so bad

Definitely tested positive before the debate btw


I can see your perspective. I don’t view the meme as being specifically hating on AOC or progressive caucus. I don’t think AOC, or the squad, or any part of the Dem party that is more to the left as being in charge of what comes to a floor vote, or whether impeachment gets voted on but M4A doesn’t. It’s more an indictment of the entire party’s uselessness.


This lady (Elizabeth Chryst) on PBS who takes the Trump side of the both sidesing is beyond twisted. Her convoluted plausibility arguments that Trump is blameless make me want to shake her through my damn TV.

Remember when Laura Inghram was a regular on PBS?