The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I used to smash the cheesy potato burrito at Taco Bell before they got rid of it

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I never had one of those but the Taco John’s ones are decent. One of the only good ideas one of my old friends ever had was putting some of your McDonald’s fries on your Quarter Pounder. It’s great.

Good news!

A defendant taking subsequent remedial measures is generally not something that can be used to establish guilt in a civil case, since courts don’t want to create disincentives for parties trying to defray damages or prevent further damages.

I don’t think it really does lessen damages though. It just gets rid of an ongoing liability.

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It’s going to be hilarious when Dominion’s core business is wrecked but their company is worth many times more than ever from a bunch of settlements.

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“We like the stock.”


I’m not convinced it isn’t a stealth move so he can move to whatever network is most willing to worship Trump. The guy seems like a True Believer to me.

You can just throw frozen fries right into the high temperature oil, since frozen fries have already been parboiled.

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Dude has looked like a reanimated corpse for years.

Lou is salty


Lou Dobbs, more like Lou sobs, amirite?


Stew Dobbs. Screw Dobbs. Fuck You Too Dobbs


Kudlow rumored next man up after Dobbs.

Poo globs


Been doing this for years. Probably why I’m fat. But seriously, put them on any burger. Same with chips on sandwiches. The masterpiece is regular lays on a PB & J.

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Remember when Dobbs was on CNN? Wild.

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The Daily Podcast did a story about smartmatic and had the owner on. It’s even more insane than you think. The way the crazy people were talking about it, you’d have to expect that the software is run on every voting machine, or at a minimum, the machines in AZ, PA, and GA.

… But, they have exactly one client in USA. LA county. That’s it. They have no other foot hold anywhere else in America.