The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Killing the Kennedy brothers changed a whole bunch for certain very violent people. Which is probably why he got shot.

It’s the end and it’s quiet. We’re amusing ourselves at this point. They better get used to it because there are a lot of slower news days in our near future thank whatever sky fairy you pray to.


Does this woman seriously not have a lawyer to tell her to shut the hell up?


These people are not good clients.

Yeah killing Biden just leads to even more communism, and from a black lady to boot. I think he’s safe. If anyone tries it’ll be a Qanon nutter who thinks Biden is dealing in pedophile trafficking or w/e and it won’t get far.

BS man, they’re not super soldiers, they’re just cops with political connections.

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Wouldn’t it depend on the person? Like you said, Biden is an old guy. Or Pelosi? Or Mitch? Obviously someone like Obama or anyone in decent shape would be harder.

Remember, we are talking about someone with intent and nothing to lose.


She thinks she’s a patriot and cannot be silenced.

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For sure but there are thousands of these people and I assume only the best get assigned to the president. Like you have SS people who track down money laundering and guard random shit thats not important.

That said that one lady who posted about treason swearing Biden in, and that one who joined Trumps team makes me worried about how many of them are complete nutters. But like I said killing Biden just makes the situation worse for them.

Getting a job with the secret service and being on the president’s detail are super different things. I’m sure that during the Trump admin many of the agents assigned were politically trumpy. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s not the kind of job just everyone gets much in the same way that “I’m in the military” could mean being in human resources or being a special forces soldier.

“Don’t tell me what to do” is like a mantra for them. I think alot of it goes back to that primitive Republican emotional need to feel like they can punch down at people, and they are similarly reactionary when anyone tells them anything, like “wear a mask” or “stop talking”.


We had an intern give us our tour. She was a local high school student working in our congressman’s office that summer

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Yes it would, but even still they aren’t snapping their necks or doing some bruce lee heart punch. Quick google says its impossible to snap someones neck. That stuff is only in movies. Like I said a strong enough punch could very likely kill Biden. Don’t know about Pelosi/Mitch, they don’t seem anywhere near as frail as Biden at this point. It’s super hard to kill someone with your BARE hands, even if you’re a trained fighter. Unless their head hits concrete or they’re super old and frail, which Biden qualifies for.

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Did she show you the best place to murder Congress members? Hypothetically.


It was during the “fire Pelosi“ campaign of 2010. Ugh.

Speaking of…

We now go live to Lawbro Headquarters


An oldie but a goodie.


that’s what we thought, but apparently biden is even worse to them, which may have been the only reason they never tried to get Obama???