Hitler in this debate
For a stutterer, speaking too quickly is like riding a bicycle too fast.
This whole muting the mics thing…I don’t think it’s being used.
mute the mic lol who is on that button
Cut his mic holy shit
Oh snap F GODWIN
LOL talking over the moderator. That should help with suburban women.
They only do it when they give 2 minutes
I think you mean housewives.
So Trump’s managed to contain himself for 45 minutes but is now going into full bully blowhard mode? Sounds exactly like what I’d predict.
Hitler reference super awkward.
through the legislature?
Through the legislature…
Trump started decent enough tbh (temperament only) but he’s turning back into himself with half the debate left.
I loved when she said “Okay…”
I could hear her eyes rolling.
Come on say pre-existing
Look, you all know I feel about Biden so I should stress that his pivot had me going FUCK YEAH JOE, like,
yes, get it boy!
Someone needs to give Trump a first term abortion
2 weeks coming