The Ethics Of Teenage Political Opinions

No he didn’t. You were by far the most aggressive, meanest poster in the thread yesterday (and doing so, as expected, while being very wrong). Every place is going to be mean if you are the one acting that way.

Also the Greta Thunberg comparisons are inapt here. That is watching and discussing the accomplishments of young person. This is watching a train wreck family squabble and laughing about it. I don’t think they are the same.

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That seems like a very subjective judgment call and also sends the message that the voice of teenagers is only meaningful if they are doing something extraordinary.


True. I am sure he is concerned about his daughter’s less than full formed judgment letting something out of the bag that he has worked hard to keep under wraps.

A lot of people think they are just orchestrating a massive both sides grift. One tweet from her could send that spinning off it’s axis.

We just want the teens’ help reserving tix and otherwise disturbing Trump events. We don’t want them having opinions lol


lol are you 90 years old?!



I had a tweet from a one Claudia Conway show up on my feed today (wasn’t this one)

Appears her exile is over.


lol I’m no Tversky my man, if I was that smart sure but I’m not. I don’t think anyone else here is that smart either where they can just tell 1,000 other smart people opinions to fuck off because they’re on a higher plane of intelligence.

But sure I do have some beliefs I just don’t feel like arguing them. Like I’d be happy if everyone in the GOP supporting Trump got the Rona and suffered horribly dying in their own fluids. Apparently wishing this on people is bad according to people here and it probably is but fuck them, these evil fucks probably gonna kill my mom.

I mean I guess that doesn’t count because I know it’s wrong but I let my emotions win that one because I don’t care enough about being right on that one to fight it.

But no I’m not certain I’m right about anything, and I’m not smarter than everyone here so wouldn’t feel super confident I was right if I disagreed with everyone on anything. You gotta be super arrogant to do that, and it only works out if you’re super smart like Trevsky.

To be clear this only goes for a group of intelligent progressive minded people who I respect and not the general population who I disagree with the majority on fucking everything but so do most here so we gucci.

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I blame the parents.


Alright I’ve been inspired to take on you lads with possible unpopular opinions, let’s see if I can hold my ground or if I’m swayed again.

Nothing wrong with teenage girls dressing like that or doing that stuff. Its totally normal and something that was just previously oppressed by our culture. If you find it sexually uncomfortable or worry about " that poor girl " you’re the weird one.

Come at me bros


There’s something up with her lips. She looks like she has mouthpiece from Mrs. Potato Head in her mouth.

As for dressing like that, it’s a different era. People want to be poppin’ for that gram. Being overly made up and photoshopped is the way to be.

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The hyper sexualization of teenage girls has a huge negative impact on their self-image and future sexual health. It also leads to eating disorders.

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If she was a bit younger I’d agree, but a lot of 15 year olds are going to be either having sex or trying to have sex and over-sexualising their appearance is just part of the learning curve for them.

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Dressing like that’s fine, but social media is destroying people’s minds imo.


No question. I might not be a Sam Harris fanboy but he said it best when he said that social media has made us unwilling participants in an experiment that no one knows the outcome of.

You are correct about the first but incorrect about the second. Of course, 15 year olds will be having sex. But the hyper sexualization (of just girls) is not some natural outcome of that, it is purely a cultural phenomenon created by the media which forces young women to constantly strive for unrealistic and unattainable body image and physical appearance. It is very harmful to women’s lifelong self image. It is largely a result of the male control of the media too.

I’m sure this sounds odd coming from me but it is easy to trick ourselves into thinking something is sexual liberation when it’s in fact constricting actual sexual expression.

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Conway is a 15 year old girl wearing makeup. She’s not a 12 year old wearing mini shorts and a see through top.

If you look at her profile you will see this isn’t true. Anyway, I’m making a larger point. Not specific to her.

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Social media literally might destroy society. It’s so subtle, but the ability of people to curate the media influences they consume—in a sense, to curate their own reality—seems beyond what humans are capable of handling.

I remember long debates on 22 about why so many countries all over the world were dealing with populist takeovers of their governments at this very moment. It seems obvious now that a big part of the reason is social media.