The DNC 2020

If you are calling skydiver a POS then it’s a you problem.


Makes sense. If Biden wins big the GOP maybe comes with racism, nationalism, and M4ArA. (Medicare for all real Americans) in 2024.

Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.


No, but watching a soap opera involving what most people perceived as simply a man lying about sex is a little different than having to become an amateur statistician / epidemiologist in order to decide whether you are going to send your 6 year old to in person classes or trying to figure out a backup plan if your life saving medicine gets stuck in the mail. It’s a matter of degree.


I’m pretty sure that’s what bob was going for but I’m not sure everybody hearting the post realized it.


Wasn’t this joked about earlier lmaooooo

Just amazing stuff






I am pretty glad both Bernie and AOC don’t follow the terrible advice of some of their most ardent supporters.


Which voting base does Colin Powell bring and would people be upset if he wasn’t included in the convention? Also how much say did AOC and Bernie have in Powell speaking and if they did have say would they want him? Like it’s weird that some of you act as if AOC and Bernie are actively signing off on this shit, just because they don’t voice disapproval doesn’t mean we cant


Libs are fascist what can you do

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I didn’t say anything about Powell.

I hate it, but we are not the target audience. They’re trying to normalize support-switching for all the conservative morons who are just human enough to feel some Trumpy-ambivalence but still need permission to break with Fox’s marching orders.

Not sure it’s a good call, but unfortunately I know a ton of idiots who fit the bill above.

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You should say libs more.

Lol yeah that was a solid own goal

ETA or was it?

I will going forward just for you.

Yeah a lot of us have an issue with efforts being expended towards the mythical republicans who don’t support any progressive policy but will switch over from hearing Kasich and Powell speak. There are a LOT of people who don’t vote that might be swayed by policies that improve their conditions but unfortunately the dem party doesn’t want to focus on that but instead want to focus on getting a few republicans to either switch over for this one cycle or want them to switch over permanently by attracting them with policy movement rightward (a couple of days ago Rahm Emanuel wrote how dems can sway republicans by changing policy positions)


The only way the worldview of some people on this forum could be operationalized is if after serving in office for one term all politicians are murdered for the very act of serving in office.

My reply wasn’t necessarily towards Bob, just was reiterating the scene for others who might not know. Also I was listening to an old rev left podcast and they talked about this specific scene in it lol so it was fresh in my memory

That wasn’t my standard for Powell or Kasich ;)