The COVID Files: Deep dive on MDs, DOs, MCATs & possibly Accountants

Any of the doctors on this forum want to chime in on Osteopaths? I’ve always wondered what the consensus about them was.

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Same honestly.

What law schools have the stereotype that you’re not a real lawyer if you graduate from there? I always heard the saying “Do you know what you call a C- student who graduated from a tier 4 law school?” A: “A lawyer.”

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I doubt there is a consensus, but I’d be interested in hearing what caffeine, et al have to say. Presumably it will be colored by whether they are DOs themselves.

I think that their degree doesn’t matter as much as their residency program. If they did a DO degree, but did an MD residency program, then they are very likely more similar to MDs than other DOs. But even that comparison is flawed as presumably only the better DOs get into MD residency programs.

I’m an MD, not a DO. DOs are basically the same as MDs, only they have some extra nonsense they have to learn about manipulation and some bs like that. There’s no such thing as DO or MD residencies anymore in my specialty, they are the same. Most are that way now I believe.


This is going to be a derail, but I’d say that law schools were less than half of 1Ls ultimately pass the bar (either due to dropping out or taking the exam and failing) are scams and not actual law schools.

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Every doctor I’ve asked has said D.O.s are super qualified and do not give inferior care.


When I said that I meant if the residency is run by an MD school or a DO school. I suppose the ones that are not associated with any medical school would be harder to classify.

I’ll take your word for it, but if they’re really the same then you would expect all the programs to have a roughly an equal distribution of MDs and DOs. I suspect that the DO ones have far more DOs and the MD ones have far more MDs. Even if they are learning the same stuff.

Residencies aren’t really run by schools. Most are affiliated with schools, but they’re separate administrative structures. They’re run by hospitals.

There are some that will take DOs over MDs and vice versa, but it’s a really minor thing that very few people care about anymore.

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Ok, so I guess what I was saying was
MD residency = residency program affiliated with an MD school
DO residency = residency program affiliated with a DO school

I realize that above may not be a recognized definition, but that’s what I meant.

There are also some that are unaffiliated with any school. Let’s ignore those for now.

I would have been willing to bet that the MD residencies have far more MD residents than DO residents and the opposite would be true for DO residencies. I guess you’re saying that is not the case, which is surprising to me.

This may have been accurate in the past. It’s really not accurate now, at least IME in my specialty.


Do you know of any MD residencies (as I defined above) that actually have more DO residents in them than MDs? Even one? I’d have snap made a bet on not even one existing a couple of hours ago.

IDK, everywhere I’ve worked has had a lot of DOs in MD programs and vice versa. The biggest issue is that there’s a lot more MD students than DO students.

I can’t say that I know of any residencies fitting your description, but I don’t really think of any residency as ‘MD’ or ‘DO’ and I don’t care about MD v DO at all. I probably wouldn’t even had noticed.

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Army hospitals because the army gets a bunch of med students who couldn’t get into real medical schools? (This is mostly in jest, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a B avg and average MCAT covers the bar for some of the DO schools.)

I bet a lot of the Army ones fall into my unclassified category (i.e. not affiliated with either an MD or DO school).

Med school is absolutely ludicrous to get into, MD or DO. It is, by far, the biggest filter. No way a 3.0 and average mcat gives you a decent chance of getting in without some special life modifiers built in.

IIRC army hospitals don’t really do med school, they do residencies for people who signed up for the army. You mostly go to school on army scholarship plus a nice stipend for med school. It’s not a bad deal and I thought about it.


I was talking to an orthopedic surgeon a few days ago who said its basically impossible to grasp how hard it is to get into med school now. He has people working for him as scribes (literally follow the doc around writing their chart) for $12/hr with fantastic grades and decent MCAT scores, hoping to build a resume to apply again. He said foreign medical schools are a decent alternative option.

One thing I worry about with medicine moving forward is burnout. Almost every doctor says practicing isn’t fun. Electronic chart, insurance issues, financial pressure, etc.


Ortho I know you’re wrong about. The rest… IDK, not familiar with it.

Y’all are making WAY too big of a deal about this DO stuff.


I’m willing to accept that they are well trained and solid. Much of medicine is algorithm + specific variables for particular patients, but it’s useful to remember that medicine did fine as a profession for 2500 years before anyone actually knew what they doing.

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I have no idea what’s being talked about here, but I think the prescription is a new thread!