The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

That Washington Times story is a dumpster fire:

Unknown to the federal investigators, Mr. Hopkins was wearing a wire during the interview provided by Project Veritas

Project Veritas president James O’Keefe released a snippet of the exchange Tuesday

A Project Veritas spokesperson said the group plans to release Wednesday more audio

Mr. Hopkins said last week he was told to collect late mail-in ballots, and that he overheard his supervisor, Erie postmaster Robert Weisenbach, talk about backdating them to make it appear that the late ballots were received on Nov. 3.

So he was working with Project Veritas the whole time and has literally no evidence of anything. I think I’ve heard enough. Massive LOL @ releasing only “snippets” of this earth-shattering evidence.

The story then refers to:

Mr. Hopkins‘ eyewitness account of organized ballot tampering in Pennsylvania


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good thread

I’m not at all concerned that Trump will somehow remain in office. What is concerning to me is how riled up millions of people are right now because they believe the election has been “stolen” by means of “fradulent” votes. And it is the President and almost every Republican elected official that are egging them on, making them believe these things. That is not good.


Of course

Hey Sklansky,

Trump is a fucking moron. He doesn’t know lots of things he should know.


Indeed. Assigning strategy to trump at this point is such a logic leak.

OK, but usually he has a not-super-surprising level of understanding about the meanings of various white collar criminal statutes. I guarantee he knows the difference between wire fraud and mail fraud. I was calling him a crook not a genius. You don’t have to be a genius to know the basic work terminology of your own trade. Trump is a NY real estate developer from the 80’s which is another way to say he’s a straight no chaser criminal.

This is a guy who had a real personal friendship with Sammy the Bull Gravano lol. Knowing the word recant doesn’t make him smart, it just means he’s heard people say that they need to get a witness to recant a lot.

Hilarious joke that I guarantee you no one takes seriously.


Get this man his million dollars!

It’s 11 AM. Has Donny Dum Dum said anything about Veterans Day yet?

yea one of his tweets had a statement attached for Veterans day

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Regarding many possible avenues of attack, Mr. Douche asserts that the D majority in the House is the main roadblock to what will foil Rs this time. Consistent w/ the “Trump will be stopped short this time but WAAF anyway” consensus on this forum.

Following Mr. Douche’s reasoning, a likely outcome for the next 4 years is that Rs retake the House in the 2022 midterms as is standard for the opposing party, continue to radicalize themselves w/ this “stabbed in the back” narrative and have the legal means to install Trump when he runs for President in 2024, regardless of the electoral outcome.

When I loaded up the uToobz this morning it recommended me a livestream of him giving an address somewhere about it. The channel was of course something like “Real Right Wing News.”

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