The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Oh please. The cops will be marching with them with their badge numbers covered.


They are still trying to sort out all the people you killed with corona who voted, sorry sir.

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I dont see how thats inconsistent with what I said

I suppose. Carry on.

I’m guessing exactly zero (white) people are arrested for open carry.

Same, I would assume that if the cops do any crowd control it will be to crack some skulls of anti Trump protestors. Gotta keep them from agitating the QAnon guys, clearly.

The mainstream media is going to be covering and amplifying this shit for decades.

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And IF it happens to fade away in the US the MSM always have little Britain to look at.

PS Never forget:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^694890328273346560|twgr^|twcon^s1_&


So many tears. Tasty.

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Execute them. Show no mercy.


Putting this out before the Georgia election seems stupid. There might still be time to produce „Loeffler and Perdue do not support Trump“ ads by fake Republican sounding organizations. Ossoff seems to be „when they go low, we punch them in the face“ enough to do it.

Also I just googled Perdue as I wasn’t sure about the spelling and thought this was kind of funny:

„Hat verloren“ is German for „(has) lost“.


I thought you said it was already proven beyond any reasonable doubt Scott? Gotcha!

Surely being caught in this act of blatant hypocrisy will cause him to slink away in shame.

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womp womp


Lol the last paragraph of that news report.

[House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s California home was also damaged overnight by paint and a pig’s head was also left at the scene, according to reports

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…so this is about the allegations being unprecedented, not the fraud?


“Unprecedented allegations of voter fraud” means gotta investigate more and more

Doesn’t matter that the allegations are bullshit. Just more of the human centipede of “news” from Trump to RWM back to Trump etc

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Mitch has lost control.

Since I know nothing will come from this nonsense I love it!

Has he? He told all the senators on a call that they could vote their conscience.