The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

collins was serving a prison term for what loeffler and purdue do on the regular. and they are running for re-election

Such a beta cuck doing these taped recordings with no press.

bill kristol is yet another reason why we have trmp. i’ve been envisioning this scenario for four years. i really don’t need kristol warning me about it with only two days before it happens. thanks for nothing *sshole.


Kinda easy basket here.

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Catching up on the evening

So DJT is threatening the covid bill to get more checks to people and Nancy signed right up?

No action on either the funding bill or the big defense bill (the one he really wants to veto?)

Dirt bags galore walk free including another mass murderer?

@riverman is flirting with getting sniped in the assholes draft.

Anything else?


All these pardons are obviously fucking gross.

But one thing I read was that Hunter’s wife, who he basically threw under bus during the criminal investigation, did not get a pardon. She wasn’t given prison time but still no pardon for her. Yet at least.

I feel pretty confident in my take than anyone who mentions the 25th Amendment as a means to remove Trump has never actually read it. If Trump can stand up and utter the words “I’m fine,” then the 25th Amendment is a more difficult means of removal than impeachment.

yup. He gets off scott free and his wife, who he jobbed and actually testified against him…gets nothing.


It’s an absolute fucking miracle the country lasted this long. The system is defenseless against an authoritarian president and in fact grants tons of power to such a person. Appointing your own attorney general? Pardon power? Two thirds vote in the wildly undemocratic senate to remove? Appointing your own judges? The president in charge of THE FUCKING MILITARY?! I get that designing a good system is hard but maybe we’ve been jerking these guys off for a few centuries too long.


IIRC he used some of the money he stole to have affairs.

yep. that too. Complete and utter scumbag.

DVaut1 is a god damn genius. He called “do the open racism plus give white people money” as the cheat code to American politics like 15 years ago. It seems obvious now but it was unfathomable at the time.


Easier said than done. It’s hard to give money to white people and only white people. Even in this shithole country.


Well, if you put all the brown people at the border in cages and tell police to shoot black people, you have a good start.


“Let’s go big.”


The next one that comes along is going to learn from trump and instead of Kav and ACB it’s going to be Ivanka, Jared and Eric sitting on the Supreme Court and the election results will be irrelevant

Lol the GOP is gonna blame the Dems and be like “Can you believe these clowns only wanted you to have $600? Thanks to Donald J Trump, he demanded $2K for EVERY AMERICAN, even when he knew the election was stolen from him. Vote for this HERO #MAGA2024!”

And it will probably work.


Are they trying to blow up the deal? Or… what? This shit is getting weird real fast.


they couldn’t have anticipated half the country going yeah he’s an unreal lunatic but I’m just like him

I don’t know there’s a perfect system. Trump got judges that ruled against him.

Americas Cardroom Hand #131776306232: Hold’em No Limit (300/600) - 2020/12/22 04:20:00

Table ‘Washington DC’ 7-max (Real Money) Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Chuck Schumer (900000 in chips)
Seat 2: Rand Paul (2500000 in chips)
Seat 3: Mitch McConnell (22500000 in chips)
Seat 4: Nancy Pelosi (120000000 in chips)
Seat 5: Lindsey Graham (3000000 in chips)
Seat 6: Donald Trump (-421000000 in chips)
Seat 7: Joe Biden (9000000 in chips)

Chuck Schumer: posts small blind 300
Rand Paul: posts big blind 600
Joe Biden sits out

Mitch McConnell: calls 600
Nancy Pelosi calls 600
Lindsay Graham calls 600
Donald Trump: raises 1400 to 2000
Chuck Schumer: timed out
Rand Paul: folds
Mitch McConnell folds
Nancy Pelosi reraises 2000 to 2600
Lindsey Graham 4-bets …

This could become a very interesting hand