The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Why are so many politicians so bizarre?

I don’t agree with this. Republicans are contemptuous of the rule of law in a way that Democrats are not.

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In some ways, maybe, but both sides are chock full of war criminals that didn’t think twice about bombing other countries in defiance of international law. Both parties take suitcases full of donor money to enact policies that are in defiance of public opinion. The last Democratic administration didn’t give a fig about prosecuting those responsible for the mortgage crisis or the Iraq War.


Trump was in the middle of formally drafting his demand for the larger payments when White House officials told him that doing so could imperil delicate negotiations over the economic relief package, the officials said. Congressional Republicans have insisted that the relief bill remain less than $1 trillion, and it’s currently designed to cost around $900 billion. Larger stimulus checks could push the package’s total over $1 trillion.
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Pence fixing to leave the country after Jan 6 so Trump doesn’t chew his ass after confirming a Biden win. Do us all a favor. Don’t come back.

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But he made sure to dot his i‘s and cross his swastikas.

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What are the Quorum rules for Congress? Could all the Repubs just not show up if Trump tells them to take a stand or whatever and just have nothing get done?

I could definitely see Tommy being a dark horse for being the Republican nominee if trump doesnt run

House would be fine. Senate “requires” 51. But it’s always assumed you have 51 on the floor. Unless someone objects and demands a head count. So if no Republicans showed up you could just claim you have 51. I possibly could be wrong.

Also as a state senator Lincoln jumped out of a first floor window in an attempt to stop a quorum. And in the 80s a US Senator outran the Sergeant at Arms to avoid quorum. A different Senator was carried in feet first.

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Ok. So it’d need to be just Mitch and he just demands headcount every vote.

Maybe Pence can beg the Saudis for money after he leaves office, just like Agnew did.

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Yes, Mitt. I’m totally shocked too. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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This is definitely one of his stopped clocks right twice a day moments.


Lmao. The one thing Trump actually cared about the new judges doing is the one thing they won’t do. They’ll violate all kinds of other norms.

Trump really was just Mitch’s tool to load the courts.