The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

The story is “a source familiar with the dynamic” says Barr said this deposed king stuff. They don’t even claim the source was present when he said it. This story is worthless, but good job, they got me to click.


So I see the Proud Boys rioting in DC after the leader didn’t meet Trump today. Ya OK.

Quite possible that Barr has his pardon in hand so he’s free to go full YOLO.

That’s the speculation. If so he asked for it on the way in as a condition cause otherwise Trump would leverage it later.


Now is the time to be hyper-vigilant about anyone who would in any way rehabilitate Bill Barr on the basis that the very worst on the right are turning on him.

The couple of things he did right are things that would have been expected of an AG under any other administration, and only made headlines because he himself set the bar so low for what to expect of him that it was kind of jarring that he occasionally broke from the line of “do the most evil thing possible in response to this situation.”


From NYT article about largely crickets coming from the 18AGs and 126 congressmen since the SCOTUS denial

Representative Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, was harsher, warning his party on Twitter against excesses like the secession talk thrown around on Friday by Texas G.O.P. chairman Allen West or any further efforts by Republicans to stoke false hopes among their voters.

“I want to be clear: the Supreme Court is not the deep state,” Mr. Kinzinger wrote in one tweet. “The case had no merit and was dispatched 9-0. There was no win here. Complaining and bellyaching is not a manly trait, it’s actually sad. Real men accept a loss with grace.”


Barr probably doesn’t have a pardon in hand. I mean if he does, is it dated before his confirmation hearing? Seems unlikely. And lol if he’d take a simple promise from Trump. Most likely he’s smart enough to know exactly where the line is. I hope he’s sitting there knowing his ass is in jeopardy but I doubt it.

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Yeah, real men say really obvious things to the NYT; instead of, say, leaving a political party run by traitors that represents a constituency of seditious lunatics.


Quoted for truthful poetry.


Barr must have some insane dirt on Trump. It’s the only thing that makes sense.


As insanely evil as barr is, pretty sure he didn’t break any actual laws so he isn’t worried about a pardon. Now he’s just doing his part to defend the SCOTUS, rich people, establishment non trumpy wing of the party now that he knows Trump is gone and he can’t defend him anymore to institute his ideology.

All his evil acting was never for Trump, it was for him and his ideological war.


I was more going with McConnell tricked Trump, which plays more into the “Destroy the GOP” slogan, which is one that I can get behind.

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The episode of Amicus last week made a pretty good case Barr doesn’t, and never liked Trump. He simply believes that that president, any president, has broad powers under the constitution. Everything he did as AG was just an extension of the memo he wrote before he was AG which was based on his long held ideas about the republic.

Not sure I totally buy it but it was an angle I hadn’t heard.

My girlfriend’s 17 year old son is dating a 16 year old girl and he sleeps over at her house, staying in her bed, but for quite some time she wasn’t allowed to stay at his mums house because her dad wouldn’t allow it. She has stayed over once now, I think.

She casually mentioned the other day that her mum got mad at her dad for working on his laptop WHILE DRIVING TO WORK. Apparently he also enjoys watching Netflix while driving on the reg. She also said he once got $7500 in speeding fines in a month, which seems actually impossible but no doubt there’s some truth in it. They own a manufacturing business and are rich, owning several houses. The gf mentioned today that they “impulse bought” a property the other day.

Do I even need to deliver the punchline here? “Because he supports manufacturing in the US”, apparently.

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I’m having trouble following this post. The three sections don’t seem connected?


Yea, his handling of the Mueller report seems at odds with the Amicus take.

More likely he sees Trump as a lost cause and has jumped ship.

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They actually make the point that the Mueller report and the current special prosecutor he appointed are two examples which argue against their premise.

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( twitter | raw text )

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