Needs Jacob Wohl and some trash bins for the full grifting press conference experience.
Hahaha this shit is comedy.
The more Trump trashes the electoral system, the harder democrats should push for voting rights reform.
Repost it if possible shit was glorious
You be gotta be fucking kidding me.
Trump doesnt own any giant buildings with his name on them in Philly?
Lol holy shit
Google review:
20 minutes ago
When I was losing an election back in 2004, I knew exactly where to turn for a desperate last minute press conference - Four Seasons Total Landscaping has the best combination of gardening and Pennsylvanian electoral law litigation services. I didn’t win the election, but I sure had a great press conference.
looks like a pretty nice place!
their instagram has 200 followers and its mostly memes about snow or raking leaves haha this is great
So they co-opted MAGA and Trump is like “perfect, let’s hold a news conference there”
Are the news networks going to air this live?
I sure as hell hope so. ‘REPUBLICAN’ flashing in big bright letters on the screen would be a bonus