The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

There’s a lot going on here…


It’s amazing how the states with narrow victories for Trump were all clean as a whistle. Only the narrow Biden victories (in primarily Republican controlled states no less) had rampant cheating.


The rhetoric seems to be heating up. Also do lawyers ever face consequences for calling for someone to be shot or suggesting a coup?


Does the Flynn pardon include crimes committed after it was issued?

Looks like they’ve given up on any kinda sorta barely legit methods of contesting the election and now moved on to threats of violence.

But you know, what attempted coup?


No, it is functionally impossible to lose your law license, yet another reason to lol lawbros.


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The glorious things is that criminals are going to keep on criming. Hopefully Flynn and the other ghouls keep up their shenanigans after their pardons.

I am here for Flynn Jr getting jammed up and Rudy running afoul of NY state tax laws.

Do not google this :flushed:


This is a buddy’s old boss - who apparently is a very nice guy and super smart tech manager. In case anyone is wondering if this shit is getting traction outside crazy rural strongholds.


Fucking psychos.

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A majority of Trumpers would support this, even if they wouldn’t say it. Every single one I know would. These people are legit insane and completely done with democracy.

It’s like if Hitler lost his election in 33 or w/e. I don’t know of any similar examples in history where something like this has happened, a near fascist takeover from a guy with a massive cult of personality, so I have no basis from where our society goes from here. It’s terrifying to think where the Republicans go from here.

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Is it a fair assumption that anyone with a flag in their Twitter name is a narcissistic douchebag?


Self-described Buddhist is a proponent of martial law. Checks out.

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ask him if this is just for the president or if we get to free roll another shot at tillis/collins/ernst


For what it’s worth, I don’t believe GA MAGA supporters are sincere when they say why should we vote in the Senate races since it’s all rigged anyways. I think this is just a part of their tantrum and a way to lash out against their leaders. They will be voting in droves in January.


Many will almost certainly come around due to the propaganda, and maybe Trump being pressured to push them, but I can assure you they’re very sincere. I talk to these idiots plenty and they legit think Trump is anti establishment and the establishment is evil, never connecting that Trump was just doing the establishments bidding.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they do end up losing like 10-20% of their craziest if Trump doesn’t push them to do it.

On the forum I post on they now blame the Republican establishment more than they blame dems lol. Only dear leader can turn that around.

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They’re sending their best.

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