The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Yeah his actions being relatively huge compared to some of the other Trump lackey’s in terms of impact probably just reflects the fact that Bill Barr is probably qualified to be the Attorney General (in terms of knowing enough to actually be able to fly the plane).

The fact that at a very specific moment he just vanished strongly suggests that there was a line he wouldn’t cross (for extremely selfish reasons) and he walked up to that line and then stopped.

A lot of the other Trump people are just complete morons who are almost certainly Wiley Coyote’d way out into empty space with their Dear Leader.

These other posters who think he’s going to skate are going to have to do better than ‘rich people always get away with everything and never end up truly broke’. He’s got problems way bigger than most rich people ever let anywhere near themselves. Being at the absolute top of the pyramid gives you a massive force field, but it’s also a finite thing that has limits… and Trump is miles and miles past those limits and trending hard the wrong way.

Look at what this dumb fuck is doing to the GOP down in GA. The best two outs I see for him are fleeing to Russia and being such a massive political liability for the GOP that the Democrats decide to slow roll the many ways they can go after him to allow him to keep hurting the GOP. That second option requires the eDems to be playing the game on a much different level than the one they are actually on, so it’s pretty unlikely.

Weirdly his best non-Russia out is for the GOP to lose both runoffs in GA. If he manages to somehow cause the GOP to lose those two seats the Democrats might let him float around a little bit longer and not expedite things.

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“This is total fraud. And how the F.B.I. and Department of Justice — I don’t know, maybe they’re involved — but how people are allowed to get away with this stuff is unbelievable. This election was a total fraud,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with the Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo.

“Missing in action. Can’t tell you where they are,” Mr. Trump said, a note of resignation in his voice. “I ask, ‘Are they looking at it?’ Everyone says, ‘Yes they’re looking at it.’”

“These people have been there a long time,” he added. “Some of them have served a lot of different presidents.”

“There’s no way Joe Biden got 80 million votes,” he said. “There’s no way it happened.”

“You have leaders of countries that call me, say, ‘That’s the most messed up election we’ve ever seen,’” Mr. Trump claimed. But no foreign leader has endorsed Mr. Trump’s claims about the election, and dozens have offered both public and private congratulations to Mr. Biden.

With several important federal deadlines coming up for the election process, including a Dec. 8 deadline for states to resolve all election disputes, Mr. Trump declined to say when his time fighting the results would be up. “I’m not going to say a date,” Mr. Trump said.

Asked whether he would appoint a special counsel to investigate the election, Mr. Trump said that he “would consider” doing so but quickly changed the subject.

And asked whether the Supreme Court, now governed by a conservative majority, was likely to rule on the election outcome, Mr. Trump sounded pessimistic.

“It’s hard to get into the Supreme Court,” he said, adding that his lawyers had told him, “It’s very hard to get a case up there.”

“This is disgusting,” Ms. Bartiromo said. “And we cannot allow America’s elections to be corrupted.”

“Do you believe you will win this?” she asked.

Mr. Trump did not answer directly.


I’d say Doug Collins would be the frontrunner to primary Kemp.

If they primary Kemp in 2022 and we run Abrams into whichever totally insane Q anon candidate they nominate we probably get the governors mansion in GA. If we get that GA is a blue state from then on. If they get Atlanta good voting infrastructure, easy early voting, lots of registration, etc… GG guys. That city is growing and the rural areas like all rural areas in the US are shrinking.

I gotta say VA and GA going from hard red to hard blue in exchange for Florida and Ohio going hard red from being swing states… it could be worse.

Seriously if we figured out how to win 50% of the white vote the GOP wouldn’t be politically relevant again in our lifetimes.

He’s going to walk because going after Trump hard will bring out massive turnout for Republicans and dems in power don’t want that so they will strong arm any state actors trying to go that route.

I do think he gets sued into oblivion.

The problem is, over time Georgia is not enough. We are also losing the rest of the Midwest. We barely held it this time and we lost it last cycle. Georgia does not even replace Pennsylvania, let alone PA, MI & WI.

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Paging sweet summer child, but I really do think Biden will let his DOJ make the decision whether to charge Trump. He seems to really believe in separation of powers and an independent Justice Department.


Yeah we have to figure out how to sell white people. It’s not optional. If, as their numbers shrink, they turn into a tribal voting block like African Americans, whichever party they favor will win most elections most places and crush the EC and Senate. Thankfully the whites are fracturing already along college educated vs non college educated lines, but it’s still a pretty ugly spot.

Like we are turbo fucked if the suburbs go back to being light red when Trump isn’t the president anymore.

So yeah we have to figure out how to turn at least some single digit % of Trump voters into Democrats. Even if we’re trading them for voters at a worse than 1:1 ratio from NY/CA.

Not shocking given that that was the belief of every single president up until Trump. (I know GWB started eroding some norms around this).


abrams should absolutely get another shot at kemp. it will be hilarious when gop will scream bloody murder over fair fight, while he was the actual sos certifying his own election.

I dunno, if there’s one thing that the 2020 election did for me, it made me believe that the 2018 election in GA was probably fair as well. Yes, yes, there was disenfranchisement and purging of voter rolls, etc., but I don’t think there was outright cheating (defined as just deleting votes, etc.)

Intentionally and wrongly kicking people of the rolls is cheating.

Also seem to remember them conveniently deleting a computer server when they got sued in 2016.


Yeah the whole deleting hard drives shit was sketchy as hell. I could see them having done some light fuckery, almost getting caught by the FBI, so deciding to play it straight in 2020. Didn’t they get new voting machines too?

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They upgraded their whole system i think.

I believe I read this was the first year GA had paper backups for in-person voting.

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i agree. reading about the georgia recount made me a believer that the system probably works even though it’s so partisan, but i also credit abrams for watching it as closely as she did to make sure, and turning out so many voters who didn’t think they mattered in ga elections.

That’s pretty generous. :grin: The firing of US Attorneys was a big scandal with multiple investigations, although it wouldn’t even register by today’s standards.

Sometimes forgotten is the reason they were targeted in the first place: they refused to go along with bullshit voter fraud prosecutions. Republicans have been setting this stage for decades.


Yeah remember how ACORN was the boogeyman of the 00’s? Simpler times.


probably by nuking the US
( twitter | raw text )

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