The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

You wanna keep this little charade going? Then get your ass to Georgia, Donnie boy. You better come back with a golden fiddle, or else.

No turkey at the kids table this year, only pony. Apparently we make the same jokes frequently lol.


He’s the lion about to kill us all, and we’re a bunch of loser hyenas laughing at him before our demise.

It’s funny, I actually came up with an understanding of modern conservatism a while back that was that they see is like other animals. We are not evolved enough to care for one another in their eyes, it’s all a competition. The strong rule and prosper and the weak are eaten and killed. That’s why they fear everyone so much and why they think letting the weak die is proper and just.


Nah I don’t think the senate has leverage to punk him. What are they going to do? If they go after him all their careers are over, if they let someone in the cabinet that takes him down their careers are over.

Trump has all the leverage. I think he just realizes a democratic senate would be very bad for him. Or they convinced him of that. But he is the party now, they don’t tell him to do shit lol.

He lacks the collateral for that bet. His lenders are in the same boat.

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uh think you guys are overthinking this, he’s going to Georgia because he craves adulation and people cheering for him, thats it.


Trump can fuck w/ their political careers, Mitch can fuck with Trump’s freedom and wealth.

All Mitch has to do is stand aside while Ds, Romney types and the judiciary tear Trump apart. Trump needs his active protection, like his first bankruptcy, he needs to convince Mitch that he is better off with Trump alive than dead.

If Trump insists on dragging Rs down with him, it’s an easy call for Mitch to just let the hyenas tear him apart.

Yea he’s gonna go down there and campaign without speaking of the 2 candidates he’s supposed to be campaigning for lol.


Like things go very differently for Trump if the zeitgeist around the Federalist Society is that he is an immoral scumbag dragging down the R party versus a imperfect King David type that is being unfairly persecuted by liberals for being God’s vessel.


Yeah he’ll spend more time on Brad and Kemp than Kelly and Perdue

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The senate will have very little to do with what happens to Trump. It’ll all happen at the DOJ. It’s not like the senate can block a bill that puts Trump in jail.

The most the senate can do is try to block Attorney Generals who will go after Trump, but even then no AG dems appoint are going to actively squash any Trump investigations. They can’t be stopped. Like you need a bill bar type to actively squash investigations to help Trump and they aren’t going to get that.

Even if an AG who doesn’t want to go after Trump, the investigations will still happen out of SDNY etc and I doubt any AG will just ignore the evidence and squash it.

So the investigations are going to happen and their ain’t shit Mitch can do about it.

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OK so, he campaigns in GA. What does he get in return? Are they just going to pay him straight cash? Bankroll his next campaign?

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I don’t know about that. A lot these people aren’t even receiving health care to get over it (at least as far as we know). They just stay at home, get mild case, and recover.


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( twitter | raw text )

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Mitch probably told Donny he needs to campaign in GA otherwise he can’t protect him if doesn’t control the Senate. Donny will probably go once or twice until he don’t GAF anymore. He’ll do the bare minimum.

Yeah, but as mentioned by other posters above, Mitch can’t actually protect him any meaningful way.

Maybe Mitch just lied and told him that he would, even though he knows he can’t do shit to protect Trump from the DOJ. And Trump believed him because he is an idiot. I guess that would do it.


Yea thats what I think happened. He lied for short term gain.

How do we know? I’m sure some are, but how many are getting Regeneron quietly? How many are getting hospital level care when the rest of us would be turned away? (Chris Christie)

How many are getting one on one care in a hospital even as regular folks see two or three patients per nurse?

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