The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Prop bets on when trump has his first 2024 campaign rally?

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netanyahu needs to go

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Is this antisemitism? /meme


He already had one IIRC. I assume my check is in the mail?

Unfortunately your pony has already left the building

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At least this drawn out election has cut 4 days off of the lame duck. GA runoffs will force GOP to behave as well.


I see Jr. begging Daddy to run, getting slapped and told nope - Daddy is running again.

They should all run. Early debates will be Daddy, Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka, Jared, and a few randoms. Maybe throw in Jeb or Cruz for easy fodder for everyone to dunk on. Ratings would be off the charts.

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@ me in 2023, but I welcome a third run by Former Emperor Regeneron. After four more years of intense drug abuse, rage and big macs, he won’t get any smarter or competent. Three more deadly months of pandemic mismanagement are going on his record. If he doesn’t get a decent stimulus done (with significant benefits for people not earning money atm), he’s probably going to tank the economy again.

Yet it will be a relatively painful primary if other Rs try to fight him. I think if he’s 90% of what he is today mentally then he’s going to beat the likes of Nikki Haley, Josh Hawley, and so on.

Now of course, what Biden is going to be in 4 years is also an issue. But I think he will be rewarded if covid19 eventually gets better, STONKS, etc… Also I assume they’ll fix the post office by then, demography is still marginally improving in the Democrats’ favor, there won’t be Bill Barr to worry about.

Pray that Biden isn’t running again in four years… no dementia but already waaaayyyy to old.

Here’s the issue then, I’m bearish on Harris as a campaigner and just generally getting elected in this country, I’d then prefer she loses the primary, but to whom?

Agreed not Harris, I thought Sherrod Brown was a much better version of Biden and was hoping he would run so he would be my pick to try to take the Midwest states again.

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i think it would be great for her to get some experience. like cabinet, then senate, then president.


Could also be 8 years as VP before 8 years as president

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noone puts aoc in a corner.

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He’s definitely going to do this, and it will be blamed on Biden and the Dems. It’s why 2022 will probably be a bloodbath.

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