I predict this thread will be the quickest to 10,000 and will not come close to lasting as long as his presidency even if he loses.
lol at this being the last Trump thread. We’ll easily have 20k+ more posts before inauguration day. And even if that is the last day of his presidency we’ll have at least another 10k for the aftermath.
to not have to think about this person ever at all if not completely rarely.
Imagine claiming you pay your rally bills being your final message to voters, the eve before the election.
I have worn a mask with nobody around plenty of times.
Win or lose, I will never say this motherfucker’s name out loud for the rest of my life. Let’s get this over with.
Yeah I am weird that way. I am not cool with people who got duis in 2019. I am also not really worried this is the wrong guy, given the information I have seen.
Plus his gig is literally attempted vehicular homicide.
Trust me I am REALLY comfortable with this stance in regards to this particular human. I don’t care if it makes people think I am an asshole.
Do you think a dui is a minor transgression? I believe it might be the most under penalized crime in the US by an insane margin. Do you know how many drunk driving episodes the average convicted person has before getting caught once?
Your implication is that his drunk driving is a much less serious offense than what took place on that highway yesterday.
I don’t want to derail into a drunk driving discussion since trump neither drinks nor drives.
I don’t know isn’t that some tea leaves reading shit?
I assume trump will fire Fauci even if he loses, but he has got to be insta hired back. This sellout traitor birx is angling for the same shot.
She is a worthy participant in a trump administration.
yeahhh despite me getting the highest hearts I’ve ever gotten on castigating people for ignoring the bot I had to do it today. I honestly can’t take it any more. Only for a week though then I’m back to hating life. Maybe.