The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Dunking on Marco Rubio is simply too easy.

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This misunderstands Rubio’s tweet. This is a preview of his 2024 campaign, has nothing to do with looking backwards at the Trump administration. These are the sorts of attacks he’s going to make, could be effective.

Let’s dispel with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


Why would trump run again in 2024? Dominion isn’t going away before then.

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I haven’t independently verified this BUT I heard Chevy Chase on Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast a couple years ago and they asked him about Randy Quaid since he’s now crazy. Chevy said that he hadn’t spoken to Randy in a while but the last time he did, Randy tried to borrow money from him. Based on this I’m assuming Randy’s broke.

That’s saying something because Chase is infamously one of the most awful people in showbiz.


It was after they had Dan Harmon on I think? And they were getting Chevy’s side of the story as to his departure from Community

Rubio got dunked on by Donnie Dumb Dumb and, lol, Chris Christie. I think his Presidential ambitions are over now. He is forever and always Little Marco.

Yeah, he’s happy to just ride out the rest of his years in a senate seat that he’ll never lose.

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Exactly. He will literally never ever lose that seat and will probably outlive most of us.

So you are saying cousin Eddie and Russell Casse were just true to life roles?

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He should run in 2024. He’d probably win.



I’m surprised Trump isn’t shouting about the stock market.

He can’t draw attention to it when he lost and it keeps going up. He’s probably waiting for the first big dip, then he’ll come out orange guns blazing. “I TOLD YOU YOUR 401K IS DOOMED! DON’T WORRY, YOUR FAVOURITE PRESIDENT (ME) IS WORKING HARD TO UNDO THE CROOKED ELECTION OF SLEEPY JOE AND THE RADICAL SOCIALIST DEMS!”


dow hits 30k on the same day that US will get 200k new positives and over 2k dead with covid. just shaking my head right now. going for a walk.


When Trump sees “Pennsylvania +5,243” on Worldometers, he should just pretend they found more votes.

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Cite Putin wanting the US to withdraw from the treaty. Russia is a much much weaker, much much much much much much poorer country than the US. Arms races are not in their interest.

I mean, the notion that Trump is doing Putin a favor by trying to expand the US military, especially nuclear arsenals and capabilities, is absurd. It’s a favor to war contractors. It’s a favor to war hawks - many in the military.

It puts Democratic Party war hawks in such a bind that they think of the US military expansion as a favor to Russia and thus a reason for their McCarthyist Russia baiting.

eta: Also, it’s turned potentially anti-war or at least pro-peace treaty/arms limitations people who are just team players/party loyalists into people happy enough to beat the war drums.

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Lol trump just gave a press conference so short cnn barely had time to cut to it.

He just said stonks 30k and left. It was less than one minute. Lol


Jim Acosta just said it was weirdest thing he has ever seen and they have gone “coo-coo for coco puffs” at the whitehouse. lol