Reading tea leaves, saw speculation that she is being tossed for the Doug Collins got hosed deal. Apparently Mitch and the establishment don’t want anything to corrupt the runoff voting. So we shouldn’t promote the write-in Trump campaign I guess.
tell everyone to right in Trump for both Senate seats.
Vaguely. I had to google to see when though. I was once into Hawkwind and Monster Magnet type space rock pretty hard. Backstage to Monster Magnet Dave Wyndorf didn’t give two shits about me and my buddy. The drummer had preshow shots with us and shit and was really nice. Wyndorf was all about the women. We filled all of our jeans and jacket pockets with their beer and took off .
Also, the amount of people this year that just found out that Rage is political has been pretty hilarious. Some middle aged man telling them to stay out of politics and they are never listening to them again is just so funny.
Here’s one way to measure the reach of what we do @boredsocial and company. Tell people to write in Trump and Rudy or something lol… I think telling them not to vote is better, but it’s debatable. They’re more likely to share a write-in Trump and Rudy campaign and we may even be able to get Trump or Rudy to spread it lol…
I mean they literally think the song is saying that police killings are justified because they’re the chosen whites wearing a badge. This continues to be my favorite “Holy shit you can’t make that up,” moment from the protests.