The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Man, fuck this Queen’s Gambit chess mania that’s going around these days. Even fucking tweets are thinking one move ahead and laying traps for me.


Somebody’s scared


A reminder that we are dealing with dizzying intellects here


They will do what the courts say id guess. And with the rank and file its an even split.

Remember when the entire United States government targeted Hitler with their liberal agenda?

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Lol one of my favorite clips

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I know nothing good ever happens but man would it be awesome for Ivanka to stand trial in Manhattan, shout out @j8i3h289dn3x7

See, that’s not a practical comment though

Even after they do it on a calculator Trump convinces them they are wrong. FFS.

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No, it’s the smrks that are wrong

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The difference between these numbers is the percentage of people who understand deep down that Biden won (hence acknowledging Trump should concede), but want to embrace victimhood like always and whine and complain about the system being against them. Approximately half of all Republicans seems like a solid estimate for this.



It’s kind of too bad the US Women’s and Girls’ Chess Championships took place before it came out.

Hope he offers but don’t say when he’d do it trick. Then he’ll forget he offered it.

Smoothest pass of the night

I hope you enjoy it. Soon. Tonight would not be too soon.

Eta: ordered? I hope it gets there soon.

Not sure if this is the right thread, but of course the feds are not 95% dems or anywhere near that and probably all policing arms like the FBI or secret service are a strong majority Republican. People all thought Mueller and people like him just had to be on their side just because he’s not a drooling idiot.

The Secret Service may lean Republican but I’m sure they hate Trump for obvious reasons. The FBI could go either way, but I’m guessing a majority do not support Trump. The DOJ is going to favor us.

Massive other agencies would have huge walk outs.

At this point people entertaining wild theories about Trump pulling off a coup d’etat would do well to unplug and watch a couple months of Netflix.

We all got addicted to rage and fear over the last four years. We’d get our dose from cable news, here, Twitter, etc. Every day a new scandal. Every day something to be terrified of and outraged by.

Now we won and people need their fix, so they’re conjuring up absurd theories. He’s not going to pull it off. Be outraged at the damage he’s doing to our democracy on the way out, or worried about unrest and random violence, but there’s no point in being terrified of a 1,000 to 1 shot. He’s going to try some crazy shit but he’s not going to pull off a coup d’etat.

Joe Biden won and will be president on 1/20/21 at 12:01pm.


Its all in the courts and state legislators hands. If trump can’t steal it there its over.

What do people think will happen if Biden is officially declared the winner? That trump will say no im not leaving and the USSS will back him and the army will go along and not back Biden when he orders trump removed? idk…