The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

If Manhattan DA indicts him he gets a Manhattan Jury. Man oh man I’d love to prosecute Donald Trump in front of a jury of his peers in Manhattan.

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Who is the potential undesirable juror in Manhattan? If went 85% for Biden but surely some percentage of the remaining 15% are single issue abortion/taxes voters who won’t ignore facts.

A jury of his peers would be 12 jumbo sized Twinkie bars oozing out their precious bodily fluids


I went to a federalist society meeting in law school. Hot girl invited me and there was free pizza. Man oh man do I wish I had just joined and pretended to be conservative. I’d totally be a federal judge now. Oh well.


I think the 15 percenters are generally getting out of jury duty. Also I seriously doubt that anywhere near 15 percent of those in Manhattan are single issue anti-abortion voters. Anti-tax, maybe.

Based solely on my watching almost every episode of Law and Order, it would seem Trump’s attorneys would argue that he can’t possibly get a fair trial in a place that voted 85/15 against him, and so there much be a change in venue. Isn’t that how it goes?

The Hague is a nicer venue, maybe he could be sold on it


He’d also likely die before they reach a verdict.
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I guess it kind of depends on what you mean by high-earning. Also in both cases, you can be mediocre at the trade, but if you have good business/entrepreneurial skills, then you will crush. That’s where the real money is.

I’d say that doctors have higher floor and higher median, but lawyers have higher ceiling.

wait it’s my first time watching opening 10 seconds of OAN. are we absolutely sure they’re not an elaborate DailyShow troll? “voter fraud denial”?

What? First off doctoring is a fucking stupid way to try to make a ton of money. Taking 7-12 years of additional education or vastly decreased earnings is not a way to tons of wealth.

Also, doctors are kinda important. You need good ones

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I think one decent play would be for Biden to offer a pardon, but make it incredibly detailed and list every fucking crime he committed while in office that they can uncover. Be very public about each one, and that he is admitting to them, set him up to get nailed by NY or CA attorneys general.


She is the first and only UF law grad to clerk for SCt. But, she was on UF Law review! Re: leaving millions on the table, nah it ain’t worth it, especially at a place like Jones fucking Day where all your coworkers are the worst kind of scumbag lawyers and so are your clients. A federal judgeship is a dream job when put up against virtually any other law career, you have a lifetime appointment, you have basically no oversight aside from an appeals court (lol), and you make reasonably good money, guaranteed. I’d take it in a second and I probably have a job that’s pretty enviable on the spectrum of legal jobs.

It would not occur to him to evaluate whether a statement is true or false. Ideas are just weapons to be wielded by his narcissism. “Truth” or “belief” is completely irrelevant.

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Is Trump going to face any real legal problems once out of office?
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