The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Looks like these two PATRIOTS in Wayne County delayed the murder of innocent Iranians by a few hours.

Holy shit so much foreshadowing in this clip. Letterman called him out on his bullshit the entire way.


The music at the beginning was elite foreshadowing by the writers.

It was basically Philadelphia’s city anthem for decades.


By the way, a few years after college when I was still in broadcasting, I wanted to get better at live interviews with contentious or unruly subjects. I wanted to study how to press them on topics without losing control of the interview, and how to get control back if they tried to blow it up.

I studied interviews by two people:

Bob Costas and David Letterman

They’re better than the majority of network journalists. Jon Stewart was good too.

General rules of thumb:

  1. Know the topic in depth.

  2. Have questions prepped but LISTEN to the answers and follow up.

  3. Call them out if they lie.

  4. Use body language to stay in control - a pat on their arm or reaching out toward them as you cut them off can help. Don’t let them dominate the body language.

  5. Deflect tension with a joke sometimes. They may not find it amusing at all, but it makes it harder for them to fight back.


Stewart is a master at number 4, stutter a b-b-but and reach a hand out and lean in seems to stop people from interrupting his questions. No idea why.


Yea I noticed in the clip every time the audience laughed at Trump, he pulled back and crossed his arms. That in turn made Letterman laugh because he noticed it immediately. He was basically calling him a fucking idiot to his face without saying it.


People underestimate how hard it is for the interviewers to listen. They’re distracted by worries over their own appearance and what they’ll be asking next. They’ve got producers giving them time cues in their ears. Its a lot harder than it looks.

Not a lot of good things have happened in the media over the past several years, but I do think interview skills have generally improved among cable news anchors. There are still a few Ron Burgundy’s and beautiful bimbos anchoring, but its not as obvious as it used to be. Brooke Baldwin has been largely phased out in recent months. I think its because she just doesn’t give the appearance that she has a great grasp of the issues. Brianna Keilar has gained traction because she understands the issues and does very solid interviews.

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Reaching the hand out and leaning in is a non-verbal communication that basically says two things:

  1. I’m going to interject and let you speak again shortly (disarms the interview subject a bit)

  2. I’m the alpha dog in charge here (puts them in their place a bit)

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Yeah and Trump knows he’s on a comedy show and there will be jokes made and he’ll look like a whiny brat if he gets too upset, so it keeps him in his place. Letterman was really good at using jokes to keep control of an interview.


Yeah I know, this is like the #1 weakness of most interviewers. But listening is so important. I remember in college seeing clips of some hilarious ones where the subject revealed some massive piece of shocking info and the interviewer was like “Mmhmm, ok…” And rolled right into the next question.

Yeah, she’s pretty good. Overall I don’t really agree that cable news interviews have improved much. But they could have improved 100% and still be abysmal, so maybe we’re both sort of right on that.

I guess I’m saying interview skills are now a bigger factor in getting hired than they used to be, because anchor shifts are interview fests. Back in the day it was primarily about reading copy and what you looked like.

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Yeah that’s definitely true, but up until recently it was mostly breaking news interviews during natural disasters and mass shootings, as opposed to holding a lying politician accountable. The egregiousness of the lies and the prevalence of politics have increased a ton.


The President’s latest Hail Mary attempt to overturn the election result in one of the multiple states won by Biden came unstuck


If he comes around here he’s gonna fuck around and find out.

Have a rally here on Unstuck, we gon fuck it up
Home of the nunnehi derails, we don’t give a fuck
On PredictIt, crushing your supporters, what
Making all that money, cause we always bet
against Trump

I’m bout to turn anti fascist
When Trump loses that’s Vince memes for the masses
Then send Gritty in, dropping from the rafters
Trump can’t steal this election, Philly has the answers
No, Inso0 can’t be a stan for him
He got banned when Ruth died, troll no more
Hey Donald, and everyone who follows,
You may wanna come around Unstuck, but we hate you
Fuck Donald Trump
Fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, Unstuck, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah yeah fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, Unstuck, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, yeah fuck Donald Trump



could use a pidgin flying behind Chuck, but still liked it




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Pidgins need to be dead.

Add this to the list of Obama’s accomplishments that Trump would never match in a million years: