The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


I think I’m taking the under on this one. Plenty of Democrats were against the deal and Biden’s policy could well be that Iran must re-comply first before the US does. Iran will not do that and counter demand the US moves first.

At that point a compromise will likely be offered of negotiating a new deal, but Biden pretty much has to make it less advantageous to Iran. The Europeans will be on board as what choice do they have, but that will be a very tough sell to Iran as well.

We’ll see. I do think Iran have been to some extent waiting for the election. They likely helped put a lid on stuff in Iraq a few weeks back, so they are probably open for some offers.

And of course Trump et al have a few months to stir up shit anyway.

Idk, I sort of think Iran may be more willing to make a proportional compromise now that they aren’t negotiating with Captain Sadism

They’ll compromise somewhere, sure, but they won’t back down first. Obviously there’s no hard and fast rule as to where that line is, so it depends on the presentation to some extent. And I think it’s very definitely on Biden to offer something first.

There’s also that the hard liners and the republican guard seem far stronger internally than when Rouhani championed the deal, and it’s not obvious they would support any deal with the US. On the other hand sanctions are really really tough on them. We’ll see.


I have to defer to you here. Hopefully something reasonable gets done.

( twitter | raw text )

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First part of this insanity:


Lol fuck you dude


Widely Reported in Trump speak means something he made up that he wants to be true, right?


made up and widely reported by twitter bots

No bot. You’re the bot.


It’s reasonable to assume he was only being shown polls and internals that promised him a landslide victory.

Of course he insisted on that echo chamber, but his outrage might be genuine (delusion).
( twitter | raw text )


I’m looking forward to locking this one on 1/20 and having goofy reroute the bot to a thread I think should be called The Void in French BBV.


Low energy. Sad!

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Bye bye Donald. I knew you didn’t have the key people with you. This is the exact result they wanted and this is the exact result they got. I hope you enjoy whatever the ones who really don’t like you have planned for you. I know none of them like you enough to get in the way of the others having their fun.

Don’t worry I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I just think there are powerful people in the world who are all playing games with each other and we’re the pieces. The conspiracy theorists think they are cooperating, whereas I think they’re perfectly capable of spending 50M in legal fees squabbling over whose driveway gets to exit on the nicest view on the private island they own adjacent estates on. I think Trump has always wanted to be accepted by this set, and I think they’ve always treated him with very little respect, which he has probably always felt wasn’t fair because of the size of his immense inheritance… but obviously the reason they think so little of him is because of who he is. So even in winning the presidency he never got what he really wanted. Which makes me happy.

My theory is that he has annoyed a great many of these powerful people over the last 4 years. Rex Tillerson is such a person who pops into my head instantly. Trumps one shot to avoid being a chew toy for people who are savoring his suffering as they get even with him for his many slights against them is to be worth something to someone big. I think that guy is Putin. I think we’re going to have a former POTUS with his own RT show… or he’s going to be ritually shamed like Cersei on game of thrones before being hurled into a cell to die. There’s like no in between. He’s gotta go now or he’s fucked.

All kidding aside those intelligence people he’s been shitting on for four long years are really scary. They seem to have just defended this election from under him. And the stories toward the end about how aggressive they had been… Trump never got his October surprise because absolutely no one wanted him to have another term. That’s where Bill Barr went. He quit.


If I can’t win, I’ll complain about why I lost. Guaranteed to be a lot more fun, and I have nowhere to go but UP.

From inside prison? I’d watch it.


Twitter’s going to ban him once his Tweets aren’t official Presidential documents, so it should be a short thread.


No way. He makes them way too much money.