The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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@superuberbob it’s after 4pm EST so I assumed you were describing the actual presser, but Trump says it’s starting in 15 minutes so LOL @me


Maybe now that he lost someone can ask the questions I’ve been waiting 4 years to hear!

“What is the name of the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan?”

“What is Medicaid?”

“What is Barron’s birthday?”

“How many people are in Congress?”


People like her make me wish I had special goggles that let me know when someone is sincere.


Guess what? In two months you are just one of ten million stupid old men on Twitter.

Anyone watching the live speech?

No one thought it would be 90% effective. Above and beyond!

Million billion dollars itt. Seems Pfizer just made a mistake saying they werent part of warp speed

Number of reporters that ask why Pfizer said they didn’t work with gov’t?

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More tests equal more cases still

He honestly believes the US would test at 100% positive rate

lol, spin til the end

Pettily withholding vaccines from a state. Thisisfinedog.jpg

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Oh sweet, enough remesdivir to treat 850K people.

That should make a dent when we are seeing 300K cases per day

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Yes, the stock market is up because they know your ass is going away

OMG I didn’t realize he came that close to the Dr. Evil line LOL.

“That’s why we gave them the $1.95 million…”

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Yeah I somehow luckily stumbled on Donnie’s first presser in a week to see the petulant child say he plans on withholding the vaccine from NY until Gov Cuomo begs for it. A world of fire crashing down on him and his family is not enough.


Lockdowns KILL

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