Props to him for knowing an obscure Greek philosopher enough to hate him.
I think @j8i3h289dn3x7 is right. You can rest easy that that there’s no chance Romney, Murkowski, Collins, and Sasse go along with some coup that destroys American democracy
maybe a sedan though
I saw you’re response and fixed my post because your correct to have pointed that out
Is this the BIG ONE we have been promised?
Antrim County has fewer than 25,000 people.
Possible election changing result!
Lol beat me to it, Biden margin in MI was 154k.
Seems legit:
The report is signed by Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group.
Ramsland, a cybersecurity analyst and former Republican congressional candidate, mistook voting jurisdictions in Minnesota for Michigan towns in one recent flawed analysis of voter turnout in the Nov. 3 election. In another, filed in support of a federal lawsuit filed in Michigan, he made wildly inaccurate claims about voter turnout in various Michigan municipalities claiming that Detroit, where turnout was 51%, had turnout of 139%, and that North Muskegon, which had turnout of 78%, had voter turnout of 782%.
State, company officials dispute report on Antrim County voting
Et tu, Newsmax?
I’ve always considered the whole Russian collusion thing to be a colossal waste of time. There was so much more important things MSM could’ve been focusing on for those two+ years. Election interference by other countries is nothing new. We’ve quite literally assisted in the overthrowing of other governments.
The question is, did he do anything illegal? Were HRC’s emails illegally hacked? If so, I can easily agree. But if it’s just a matter of you not liking the timing of their release… Well, I didn’t particularly care for the timing of the Comey announcement
Well that’s an odd take.
So yeah time to watch democracy fail live on CNN?
So sad that a formality in democracy has become a make-or-break moment for America.
The Kraken!
I looked up the date when Congress counts the electoral votes. Turns out to be my birthday.
Why? Do you honestly think Trump himself colluded with Russia? He’s not smart enough. And even if members of his campaign did, there were so many more serious things to focus on like his imigration policies and executive orders, Islamophobia, to name just a few). Russia-gate was never going anywhere and many of us knew from the beginning that Mueller was never going to be some knight in shining armor riding in on a silver steed to save us from Trump
Edit: I could be wrong about Assange. I’m posting to learn not tell, but I do have some solid thoughts about how MSM has handled this presidency from the escalator ride to present
Hard to care about the part where Russia interfered on a relatively small scale. The US does the same all the time. Any sort of war or sanctions that have any effect on the Russian people would be highly immoral
the part where the incoming President and his cronies lied about it over and over is a much bigger deal
lol, how “smart” do you imagine he has to be to do this?
And no, I’m not rehashing the entire Russia affair ITT. You’re very deep down the Fox News well if you think it was all nbd.