The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Uhhh not a rotating hunger strike, which isn’t a thing, among hyper rich kids

What about some rotary self-immolation? Or would that be rotisserie self-immolation?


I don’t think you gotta risk significant health complications for something in order to express an opinion. 10 days with nothing but water is more than most are willing to do to bring attention to a cause important to them


Nope - a hunger strike is only a thing if you take it to the point of actual death (or maybe you get a pass if you go to coma, and then are involuntarily taken to hospital). Otherwise you’re just a spoiled rich kid playing protest.

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I’ve watched enough survival shows to know you can do 20 days before they pull you for medical reasons.

UNC Board votes to defund DEI initiatives, ship the money to campus police. They claim the additional funding is needed b/c of extra costs from the protests, but even w/o the protests, I’m sure a bunch of the board members would have been in favor of this shift in funding priorities.

No shit! If you don’t want to risk health complications, you probably shouldn’t do a hunger strike.

Lol, not punative in the least.

Stop hitting yourself.

Why are you hitting yourself…


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I have no idea what monument this is. But writing “Long Live Hamas” on it is a perfect example of what James Medlock is saying. Then again, maybe it was paid plants.

I’ve seen people invoke MLK’s Letter From a Birmingham Jail where he talks about moderate liberals being uncomfortable with aspects of the Civil Rights Movement as essentially a golden ticket for protestors to never have to be at all concerned with optics.

Be sure to ask such people what MLK’s 4 steps were.

I’m pretty sure that’s Lafayette Square, which is right in front of the White House. It’s the area Trump walked through from the White House to get to the church where he held up the bible.

Did everyone see the dude in the pink pussy hat and the press style camera