The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0



The people who got hit were also arrested and were still in custody at the time that was written. Didn’t say they were charged like by the DA.

The 55-year-old protester, a Columbia alum, was arrested for attempted criminal mischief in the fourth degree and unlawful assembly, which are class A and class B misdemeanors, respectively. The 63-year-old protester was arrested for attempted criminal mischief in the fourth degree, a class A misdemeanor.

I’m just glad those whiny, spoiled kids are finally getting what they deserve



your pony needs an activist investor

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Acled’s analysis of more than 550 campus protests through 3 May found two instances of property damage serious enough to disqualify the demonstration as peaceful: protesters at Portland State University who shattered glass and damaged furniture and computers during their occupation of a campus library, and protesters at Columbia University who broke windows during their occupation at a campus building, both on 30 April.

548 protests never made it onto outrage media.


called it!

I used to haul a lot of Sabra from a Sabra plant in Virginia. And raw ingredients to the plant. It’s very mid hummus, but the factory smelled good.

It’s one of the healthiest things you can buy in chain truck stops


Very worth a listen

So the weird over response from these universities to these protests is because they are afraid of donor backlash forcing them to lose their jobs?

My gf works in development at a large university (large donor relations, gifts 1M+) and this is definitely something they are having to navigate.

Eta: not university people losing jobs but losing donations from angry rich alum

As always, rich people* don’t want other people forcing policy action through divestment, but as soon as their jimmies are slightly rustled they threaten to pull funding.

Edited to people because there are certainly rich liberals who do the same thing.

Macklemore’s song could really use a line conveying that “Hamas is bad and shouldn’t have done that/Palestinians are victims of Hamas too”…

Standard dipshit Princeton behavior imo

I have no idea what you think a protest is suppose to be?

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A rotary hunger strike is something I’ve never heard of before, not exactly sure how that’s supposed to work. I don’t think it’s productive for anyone to go full Bobby Sands.