The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0



If you didn’t know all the coded language boils down to “fire left leaning people and hire right leaning people” the demands make no sense. We need neutrality and non discrimination in protection of freedom of speech but we also need mandated viewpoint diversity?

We learned nothing from Black Lives Matter

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James Ho is weapons-grade scum

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At least we’ve confirmed the lack of bias with all these Federalist shitbag judges which is a relief

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So obviously this. Thickcuts comment is the environmental equivalent of claiming the sun orbits the earth.

Boy I still really do not understand “I don’t like the way Biden handled this so I’m going to aid in the election of someone who will be 100x worse” but you do you Macklemore.


Tell that to all the indigenous people that had pipelines built through their land. Not violent at all!

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I’m sure Clovis listened to a podcast saying that was actually good for them though

Nope just spent 25 years as an environmental expert who currently leads billion dollar projects with 200 environmental staff reporting to me.

Holy shit

And this experience lead you to believe that govt and corporations should be able to pollute on someone’s else’s personal property?

But how much did you lose

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That’s exactly what I said. You nailed it.

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That doesn’t follow at all. Not everyone is great at answering gotcha questions from bad-faith interlocutors. These kids have read Plato, they know “Piss off” is the only proper response to people like Maureen Dowd.

Kids today are savvier when it comes to media literacy, they know about trolling and “debate me bro” nonsense, they know that if they give a dumb answer it will be on Twitter causing damage to their cause. Directing reporters to a spokesperson is smart, it’s what every company I’ve worked for has told me to do. It’s not actually hard for any reporter to get in touch with people who will explain what the protests are about.


Regulatory compliance is a great defense, especially against low income and minority communities.

Nailed it.

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I’m sure weakening the government’s ability to regulate private property will really work out well for those communities.

Lol are you fucking serious. Imagine if you cared about stopping material support for a genocide, what would be the right way to express that to your elected representatives? Or is that no longer a feature of our democracy?

Parodies of yourselves.