The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

It is, but so is all property. There’s a lot of theft.

i do agree the media is making the protests look bigger than they are, which is what media interviews would seek. but it is unacceptable that the protesters will say nothing to why they are protesting. if the media savvy students have trained their fellow students to say not to interviews, they can also train them to give a stock constructive answer to what the demands are, without falling into a gotcha

The protests aren’t necessarily huge, but I think it’s a story that they are so widespread.

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As I said, I don’t think it’s a well thought out protest but I think we all know their demands. What’s the point in answering a bunch of journalists questions who don’t actually care about the nuance. I don’t really blame them for some of the response.

You also know that if they did all just give a stock scripted answer, we’d get clips on that and then people would mock them for being brainwashed sheep incapable of thinking for themselves. There literally is no winning in terms of responding to the media. The media is not looking for an honest story about the protestors.


They should adopt “I’m just here so I don’t get fined”

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The protesters haven’t said anything about why they are protesting?

This seems a little hyperbolic

How are you all not bored of this thread yet? It’s like two inane strains of conversation that have been had over and over again throughout history:

  1. people who obviously disagree with the protestors on substance weighing in on the methods (should be a super easy ignore), and

  2. liberals who pretend to have some sympathy to the cause lecturing everyone on optimal protest theory and proper protest process

Number 2 is just blah blah blah polite order v. Justice stuff that if you engage in earnestly you’re simply telling on yourself just as obviously as if you post some Noah Smith or Nate Silver thing.

Libs aren’t and have never been any kind of agents of change (even though we know they’ll take credit for this 15 years from now). If even a plurality of the ones pretending to care about Gaza stopped boring everyone to death and embraced the protests we’d probably see significant policy shifts. Then they could have the distinct pleasure of doing BUT TRUMP at the very smart people in the middle who will surely be more receptive to it.


Maybe if people really cared about Gaza, instead of calling for a ceasefire, they’d be calling for military intervention against Israel.

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If only we could all add such depth to the conversation with “I’m more pure than you all” posts which are the only kind of post you have ever made.

I don’t know about Canadia, but in most states here the Tarasoff duty-to-warn includes damage to personal property.

The American obsession with private property is another super cancerous idea at the heart of your legal system. It leads to all kinds of terrible environmental outcomes.

So burning a house down is not considered a violent act in Canada?

Most of these ideas people in this forum make fun of, free speech and private property, are relatively new rights for citizens of nation states.

And lack of respect of private property has probably led to worse environmental outcomes.

Lack of respect of communal property has absolutely led to the worst environmental outcomes.

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the immediate demands from all sorts of protests range from addressing israel/netanyahu, US gov’t/biden, UN/ICC, and university administrators/police/trustees. there is a ton of coverage of this “don’t talk to the media” aspect, which i think hurts their message. protests usually need to be doing more media, not less. it’s just as hyperbolic to say that all media is out to get them. there’s plenty sympathetic or neutral outlets.

fwiw, the media coverage and squad’s influence is big enough that biden/dems are changing their policy, which is politically tricky because it’s closer to total polarization than consensus.

But haven’t they all got media spokespeople?

Like the “they won’t talk to us” is specifically “random students we walk up to won’t talk to us” right?

Is there any evidence that no one is speaking to media? Isn’t it just that disciplined, intelligent sounding students making reasonable and informed points doesn’t make good tv?


Imagine thinking a random person with a camera is “the media”

A bunch of right-wing judges, including James Ho, sent a letter to Columbia threatening to not hire their graduates.