The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

This is all the same awful media nonsense we saw with occupy wall street. The media can’t comprehend decentralized protest with no chosen spokesperson so they cherry pick what a few morons say and pretend it represents everyone.

That said, I still think these protests are spending too much time targeting the wrong institutions but overall I am happy to see protest. It has been a massively underrepresented given the current political crises globally. We need far more protest.


Portland anarchists have been doing this shit for decades. Its nothing new. That’s part of what makes it indefensible. They are, on a relative level, organized.

If not for their tremendous sacrifices Joey Gibson and Enrique Tarrio would be running the country right now donchaknow.

Harm to objects is not the same as harm to people. Deep stuff.

I have to reconsider everything.

I think it’s silly to try to make a blanket distinction of property vs person, it comes down to severity. I would much rather someone spit on me or slap me in the face than burn my home down. Arson seems much more violent than spitting for example.

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“Portland anarchists”. You really are going for all the right wing buzz words hey. I’d guess less than 0.001% of the current protestors at any university are anarchists. They are literally protesting to influence investment policy! Mikhail Bakunin would be rolling in his grave.

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If only there were some hints in any of my posts that I’ve been largely speaking about Portland.

And also lol at “Portland anarchists” being a right-wing buzzword. They aren’t exactly shy about what they are.

I agree which is why my original point was comparing a library being damaged to thousands of hours of round the clock doomsday media coverage. Had they blown up the library we would have something to discuss from an ethical perspective.

Property damage like spray painting your political message on walls is like the absolute most passive end of the spectrum you are referring to.

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Not sure who you mean by they, as if it’s a monolith but my point still stands. Practically none of them, in Portland or not, are anarchists. They are using political levers to move institutions. That’s a core tenant of democracy.

At the sort of day-time protests in Portland that guys like Damian Lillard attend of course anarchists are a non-factor.

At night-time protests where shit goes down its overwhelmingly anarchists. I’m not using that term pejoratively, they self-identify as such. That’s just the nature of these things in Portland. Has been like that my whole life.

I don’t think property damage is violence in the criminal sense. It’s def not a violent crime.

FBI list of violent crimes

murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.,force%20or%20threat%20of%20force.

So many fucking assholes in the world! And these are some of the young ones. That demographic shift stuff isn’t moving fast enough.

Abolish the FBI

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Imminent domain is violence IMO so I’m probably in the minority when it comes to this type of stuff.

If i had to guess, the governor of mississippi is going to hire the guy and he’ll continue to fail upwards.

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Eminent domain could be characterized as robbery (theft with the threat of force) which is categorized as a violent crime.

That same logic leads to “all taxation is theft”. :grin: