The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Yeah it’s not like they have 20 drugs on patent that would suddenly be completely unavailable by any other means. I think they have less than 5 like that.

But even the generic ones would cause problems for longer than we would expect. The profit margin on generics is so small even currently there are already frequently shortages requiring patients switching meds/etc due to minor manufacturing setbacks let alone one the biggest players just being completely unavailable.

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Reduce sure, but we’ve been struggling with various generic drugs and supplies since 2020, but things are better this year. It’s a more fragile ecosystem than you would think

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This is one of those “could go in about six different threads” things

So students protesting to stop genocide are being anti-semetic, but NYC chief of patrol posting anti-semetic “jews control everything” talking points on twitter is a-ok?

Makes perfect senss. Great job, media.

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Funding tents and posterboard?

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Clips like these crack me up. The kids have figured out that some rando shoving a microphone in your face with a camera guy nearby isn’t worth talking to. They’re much more savvy than the losers who are frustrated they can’t get an damning soundbite from some awkward 18yo put on the spot for the first time ever, probably because they see their idiot peers falling for it in every Jordan Klepper video from a maga rally.


Love the discipline. Those JAQoffs are so thirsty for a sound bite of a dumb protester to discredit the movement, just give them nothing. Even if they spoke to twenty that had coherent answers, those would be left on the cutting room floor anyway, and you’d only ever hear about the one doofus. Love this adaptation to the clearly hostile media.


I mean, throw a mask on a pledge, call him a protestor, and have him say that his university has taught him that Allah is the one true God and that Jews must be driven from the Holy Lands. Not hard!


Follow the money. It all leads to Big Tent.


Canadian politics podcast I love had a whole episode on how massively overblown all the attention to these protests has been. If you believed the media you’d think there were thousands of protestors at every campus shutting down all official university business when in fact it’s small peaceful sit in’s with almost no effect on campus life.


A small peaceful sit in. That’s why PSU’s library will be closed until Fall.

The most pathetic aspect of all of this is that Portland State is as working class a university as exists. Every kid I remember going there from my high school was from a working class immigrant family (including literal refugees) or was from a single parent home. I enjoyed the classes I took there more than those at UO in large part because of how many classmates were working adults. No frat boys from the bay area who couldn’t get into a UC school and wouldn’t be caught dead at a Cal State school.

Are you really going with the “property damage is violence” right wing nonsense?

Don’t know what you are referring too but damaging property is a form of violence. Seems like a weird take saying it’s a right wing point of view.

Yes it is. The PSU library is a resource for tens of thousands of people including community members with special needs.

Jesus Christ. In what universe is this defensible.

Just say it’s violence that you condone. Bruce and Clovis are on the same side of this one.

“just peaceful sit-ins”

“not the case at all”

“Oh so you’re saying property damage is violence? What are you some kind of right-winger?”

I don’t know, man. The anti-fucking-up-libraries side seems to not have to play semantics games.

We have thousands of hours of round the clock doomsday media coverage and your best argument is a library got spray painted.

Seems totally commensurate with the scale. :+1:

I don’t know how Americans can sleep at night with this kind of “violence” plaguing their culture.

Stay safe!

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Why do you keep up this dishonesty?

Just a bit of spray paint?

The library is now going to be shut down for several months.

If it’s just spray paint it’s not a big deal, I’m sure they can get that cleaned up in a week.

Property destruction not being violence is still a really weird take.

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