The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

There’s a wide array of forms of Zionism, including some that believe that Israel should include Transjordan. As a practical matter, I might make sense to treat generic Zionism as the equivalent of whatever most resembles the beliefs of the governing coalition.

The pressure was the threat of being treated as a pariah state if apartheid didn’t end.

no it doesnt.

I could see arguments either way but I certainly would be sympathetic to the academics impacted and certainly to the loss of progress that would be likely to occur especially in biomedical areas.

On a similar topic I don’t think people really appreciate how problematic for US would be if for example we stopped commerce with Teva Pharmaceuticals being the largest producer of generic medications in the world. If people think drug shortages bad now that would skyrocket. Granted I guess making people uncomfortable enough to demand change is kind of the goal I would guess.


Anoyher Texas campus sets up an ‘informal’ encampment without tents to avoid arrest

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OK that’s a good joke


Which generic drugs face shortages?

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did he take the book from a student? kid might end up with a terrible library debt



How essential a component of modern Zionism do you think is the belief that the Jewish people collectively have some kind of justified, legitimate historical claim on Eretz Yisrael? I know that in the early days of Zionism, some proponents considered other locations for a Jewish homeland, but I have the impression (correct me if I’m wrong) that this proposition is widely considered very reasonable in Israel, whereas I think it’s ridiculous.

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Other than a funny anecdote that Hertzel once considered Uganda (which morphed into a meme of sorts called “why not uganda”, which you can use whenever you complain about something going bad here), nothing remained of those proponents.

Zionism in Israel is the idea of a Jewish nation in Israel. When the Labor party rebranded as an all inclusive party of the Jewish left-wing it called itself “The Zionist camp”, which also sound like the worst summer camp ever.

No movement is completely homogeneous, but the prevailing view of Zionism is that of the Second Aaliyah, that became the “elite” of the early Israel country.

Looks there about ~250 with active bulletins, lot of them IV/injectable. Not sure if Teva makes those or not. I imagine the biggest teva ones that would be noticed by general population mostly ADHD stimulants and other psychiatric medications

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Thanks. A quick look through those suggest that many of those shortages are a bit more nuanced.

I.e. it’s a specific solution and syringe type, etc.

While Teva clearly do important work, and tbh, the spread of generics is one of the best things to happen to humanity, I think the very fact they operate in generics which by their very nature are pretty commoditized will reduce impact.

AMONG THE MOST prominent themes of the discussion were getting the FBI more involved in investigating American college campuses, and fears of outside agitators stoking the anti-war protests. New York University Chair Emeritus and Executive Vice Chair Bill Berkley, whose campus this week welcomed police to arrest over a dozen students, claimed that a New York City-based Palestine solidarity group had been very involved in leading protest efforts in the city and suggested that the feds should investigate.

Might I suggest the FBI create a program to counter these protests using intelligence.

Abolish the fbi.

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