The Central Park Five

i feel like its the second one??

which seems to be a common take especially with regards to minorities… “well im sure they did something else bad”

i dont care if a guy murdered 8 people that you can’t prove, if you falsely accuse him of a different 9th murder, and use forced confessions(especially of minors) to get him convicted/false evidence, that is a MASSIVE FAILURE of the justice system.

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Yes, I just want @FuncrusherPlus to say it explicitly.

Daveed Diggs made the point very clearly in a recent interview, and I really liked the way it was framed. It was something like, “How perfect does a black boy have to be before we call an injustice an injustice?”

This conversation only exists because you said: “I posit that the evidence in the CP5 case renders their guilt of the assault more likely than not.”

If you’re backing away from that statement, and now only accusing them of other random assaults (not THE assault), then this conversation can cease to exist.

I haven’t once in this thread attempted character assassination in lieu of making a point. Calling me a racist sounds alot like “Why do you hate America?” Get the ever living fuck out of here with that.

I think Richardson and Santana’s confession to other assaults in the park in 2002 as an alibi for Meiji is truthful. Fairstein claims that there were witnesses to some of the assaults. While she could be lying I have a tendency to believe her as there was nothing in her past to suggest she is a liar. Contrast that with the netflix series that has obvious discrepancies.

Jesus Christ, how hard is it for you to answer a question?

Do you think that the CP5 were guilty of the crime for which they were imprisoned?

Its hard for me to ignore when this case is constantly used to make political points. My disdain for any film or series that is biopic or historical in nature being factually incorrect is also a problem.

FWIW, I am generally anti-bans, but this kind of argumentative bullshit-without-a-point is exactly the kind of garbage posting that makes 2p2ers like kel and ihiv banworthy. Post better.


I think Santana and Richardson committed assaults for sure at a minimum.

I think its possible they also assaulted Meili but didnt crush her skull in. That is definitely way more in line with Reyes violent past.

So do you think it was a good thing or a bad thing that they were imprisoned for a crime they didn’t commit?

A bad thing.

Do you think the netflix special that intentionally distorts the truth for power and money is a good thing or a bad thing?

I honestly don’t care about the netflix special lol. Aren’t all documentary type films full of distortions?

I also want to point out that you still haven’t responded to this:

Which is a simple question that you surely have an answer to.

If Fairstein had excluded Meili when charging the 5 and they had received 3 years on average instead of ~ 8 would that be a good thing or bad thing?

Don’t you see? The failure is that those kids were guilty of something and the silly prosecutors wasted time charging them with a rape they didn’t commit instead of charging them with an assault that would have imprisoned them for less time.

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I do. I agreed it was an absolute failure under the fundamental pretense of infinite guilty should go free over even 1 innocent man…

Ironically Fairstein’s zealotry for sex crime victims made her a champion of female rights proponents earlier in her career.

I’m not even sure if we knew (all 5) for a fact committed just assaults with minor injuries and got, say, 2 years each. Not even sure that would be moral in the grand scheme of things. There was a melee going on at a time when crime was super high and the bystander effect is a thing. They were kids.

I just get queasy when its cited as a touchstone on so many levels because that requires ignoring a ton of nuance. I think the Bulwark article is pretty fair and I agree I needed to reshape my attitude.

I think the netflix series is unique in a lot of ways people are downplaying itt. Seems like cheap candy for low info dems.

Let me put it this way; I agree with Rorschach in the finale of “The Watchmen.” The book.