Sign Up for Walrus Grab Bag 4 - This Time It's Personal!

@pyatnitski 30 more minutes, @LouisCyphre shortly after I send the main batch to pyat.

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sent the main batch to pyat, I double checked the links so it should all work, but if I got confuzzled somewhere, lmk

eta: should all be squared away now.


Yeah it’s weird, I’ve listened to 2x more stuff for this Walrus, but Spotify safaris lead me to so many dead ends.


I, too, listened to a lot of stuff for this Walrus, eg. the overlap between my taste, CanadaMatt’s perceived taste and the top 20 US album charts is rather small and not easily searchable.

Have you specified your joker?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Sorry to ruin the suspense, but all Jokers are in apart for where entire submissions are not.

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Ive had a pretty bad last couple weeks, which you can read about in other threads which have kinda taken all of my focus.

That being said, things will be out of my hands come Friday, so two options, and I am 100% on board with whatever you guys decide.

  1. I can get my submissions in this weekend, likely satruday.

  2. Say, hell no we wont wait for that, and Ill run a reveal only for my category. Also, likely Saturday.

Dealer’s choice boys, what we playin?

Don’t care. I have Easter break coming up (April 1st-5th). I’ll have time.

I think I should solicit opinion, so may as well do it proper. I’m voting wait.

  • Wait
  • Play Now

0 voters

I voted wait even though I’m not participating.

I voted bastard with all my heart

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An alternative proposition: Send out the entries so far received and @CanadaMatt3004 can send his later non-anonymously.


Do both imo. @pyatnitski can send you your category already and do the entries+reveal on the weekend.


I had trouble with NicholasP’s and Louis’s. I’m not sure about nano’s given that she’s a bit of a wild card since it’s her first game.

I think both of the suggestions are good. I’d not really thought properly about sending now and Matt sending later, but it seems to me that if Matt is fine with it that’s perfectly ok. I don’t think there’s any real chance of him being disadvantaged, and, I would guess, a mild chance of the opposite. Anonymous entries was really just to make things more fun, I don’t think there was ever any bias.

Anyway it seems the vote to wait is pretty clear, but @CanadaMatt3004, are you fine with the sending now one, with you to send later? It’s up to you if you’d also want to reveal at the weekend too as you’ll get your entire category.

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OK, in the absence of a reply and given it seemed we can choose I’m sending them out.

@CanadaMatt3004 you can pick what’s best for you, either send your entry on Saturday and I’ll distribute or just do your reveal when you can.


All gone out. Let me know any issues etc. etc.


So i specifically asked for songs with over 10m views on the link you send me. It’s all arbitrary but that’s what I decided on. Someone sent a song with less than 10m saying there are other versions of it that adds up to 10m.

so while i realize this is pretty silly, i think it’s better if the person who sent it send a different entry to @pyatnitski. They know who they are because they mentioned it in the note. I just assume it’s possible that someone didn’t send an entry they really wanted because I specified it gotta have 10m and that seems somewhat unfair.

Warlus is serious business y’all.



I have songs to rank!!!