Should Moderators Serve Finite Terms?

Apparently I invalidated my earlier poll by trying to clarify a few things with edits after I posted my mod term limits poll earlier. Apologies. Here’s another try.

Should moderators serve defined, finite terms of six months?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Should a 2/3rds majority be allowed to vote the moderator into a single successive six month term?
  • Yes, then take a year off modding
  • No, then take six months off modding

0 voters

Can we do finite terms, then a second poll of how long those terms should be? I would vote yes on that but I think 6 months is too short.

How am I supposed to vote if I think mods should be allowed to serve unlimited consecutive terms without breaks?

Vote no in the first poll.

6 months got the overwhelming majority in the other thread.

If we’re taking advice from straw polls in other threads, no term limits got an overwhelming majority in the other thread. It’s sill not to include that option when it is very popular.

Please vote here: