Seities Says - A 2020 B/Log experiment

Monthly review - November

Weight: 221.8

Sleep: About 8hrs

Deliberate Exercise/Stretches: 2/30

Meditation: 9/30

Reading/Podcast: 8/30

Monthly review - December

Weight: 221.8

Sleep: About 8hrs

Deliberate Exercise/Stretches: 4/31

Meditation: 18/31

Reading/Podcast: 21/31


Weight: Probably one of a few positive things for me this year. I lost 40lbs. I fit differently in all my clothes, and just feel a lot happier about where I am at in that respect. I am still overweight, but this is the lightest I have been in about 10 years.

Sleep: Well, I think tracking this metric a lot more closely this year really helped me understand the importance for me of getting 8 hours average at minimum. This is really helpful for me to be more in touch with and tracking more consistently. I expect I will be tracking this for the rest of my life.

Deliberate Exercise/Stretches: This fell way off compared to 2019. That said, I have been living in a studio apartment with by wife all year, with both of us working from home. I spent 4 months of the year not even leaving the floor of my apartment building. I expect much more in 2021.

Meditation: I meditated 205 times in 2020, vs 60 times in 2019. I think its fair to say I stopped short of making the habit of it that I wanted to, but its still a massive improvement and I am sure it is beneficial to me. As I have mentioned previously in this B/Log I think this is something that can really be transformative for me if I can go to the next level and meditate for longer periods/more frequently.

Reading/Podcast: I completed this habit 203 times in 2020, compared to 216 times in 2019. It’s close enough to call it even. With that said, I think I tipped the balance towards podcast a lot this year, and realistically I don’t think it gives me as much benefit as a reading habit. I’ll try to course correct on that this year.

All in all you could take the pandemic out of it and 2020 was still by far the most difficult of my life in terms of what was thrown at me. As much as that sucks, I think I have held together a lot better than I would have say 5 years ago. I’m proud of the work I’ve done to make that possible.


Yo @seities how you shaping up this year?

Also, I swear you had a ‘good news’ thread somewhere, but can’t seem to find it?


Hello miliboonily!

You can find the Good News thread at Good news

I haven’t updated it recently. To be honest it just didn’t seem all that valuable to people and even though it didn’t take that much work to copy in new content it didn’t feel worth it.

Things are challenging for me at the moment but I am doing the best I can and know that the days will start to get easier. We all have our rough patches. I just try to remind myself that I am a work in progress and am learning more every day :slight_smile:


Thanks for the linky seites, nfi why I couldn’t find the thread on my own.

It’s not easy being a ‘half-full’ kinda guy all the time (as your online persona portrays imo), so stay as strong as possible and don’t beat yourself up if you have an off day or three.

Whenever I was having a half-empty day I’d peruse your Good News thread and the world seemed a better place again. Gonna suscribe to the newsletters you’ve linked previously, so thanks!


Thanks Mili. Let me know if you ended up subscribing. If you didn’t, I would be happy to add some more content into that thread. Just knowing you actively went looking for it on a half-empty day makes it feel worth updating a bit more regularly to me :-)