Weekly review - Week ending April 4th
Weight: 251.4 (was 251.8)
Not particularly exciting compared to progress in previous weeks, but I think it’s a good sign that it is still heading down and not rebounding at all. This is my lowest weight since October 2018. I have not weight in under 240lbs since March 2014, so that is what I have my sights set on at the moment. Mostly it is going to come from eating less. We are only ordering groceries once every 2-3 weeks so getting toward the end of that period I am likely to be eating a lot more processed food that could stay shelf stable for that long.
8.0 hours a night average. Another solid week
Deliberate exercise
0/7 - sigh. I still haven’t got any momentum on this.
5/7. I heard about another meditation app called Balance. They are currently giving a free year of subscription. It’s pretty interesting because they ask a few questions in the app before each session and then compose a session for you based on your responses. I’ve done 3 sessions with this app so far and am liking it.
3/7. I finished Stillness is the Key and have moved on to book 2 of the Dresden Files for a bit of a break from non-fiction.