RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

lol Schneider inviting the worst stereotypes on his own people and everyone else with this association, while waxing demented on WW2 flyers not making it back from missions, opposite Glenn Beck in an interview.


When were we?

this is getting out of hand


actual text convo with my friend:

“Dude wants to increase the middle class and is SUPER globally conscious.”

— Man who did copious amounts of his own research.

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he listens to joe rogan, i’d guess that episode is 100% of his research on rfkjr


“asked by Vargas whether he would “pledge to support whoever the Democratic nominee is,” Kennedy refused. “Oh, of course I’m not gonna do that”

I’m not authoritarian but we may have to start culling this big tent of ours a little

trump called him smart and common sense guy

which if he does not like trump mention that else obviously don’t mention that



He says he’s not anti vax he is pro safe vaccines

I can’t make this shit up

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You know what, I respect the honesty.

It only makes sense the left gets their own trump and surprise surprise his presence will also help the right!

You’d be forgiven for thinking it’s all a rigged game.

Pharma companies are the biggest lobbyists and advertisers so I guess they could also own the news. But seems unlikely they use that power to push inexpensive vaccines.

Yeah the guy’s take is literally the rogan take verbatim.

Look I’m pro vaccine, I’m just asking questions and the question I’m asking is did vaccines cause every major disease and plague for the last 100 years? I also will not take no for an answer


Got my second shingles shot on Friday and still feel like crap, maybe this RFK guy is on to something!


Check your mercury levels. It’s either the vaccine or you been eating old school thermometers.

I guarantee, whatever you are having right now is better than Shingles

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Why won’t you debate me???