RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

Of course he drinks the absolute worst beverage ever invented.

RFK “I don’t eat seed oils” Jr.

Do we think he ate any of that? I could go either way.

In the presence of his Overlord? Absolutely.

Does it count if he purges in the lavatory?

I think so, because the deadly seed oils have probably already seeped into his bloodstream by then.


Scientist lowers cholesterol (from high cholesterol ketogenic diet) by eating a daily sleeve of Oreos.

This was an experiment based on his unique diet, but it’s an indication that there’s a lot more to “unhealthy” diets than highly processed foods.

It’s super annoying, I feel great and have the best weight discipline when I’m eating keto, but my cholesterol goes through the roof (my ratios are still OK though and thankfully my GP understands keto and isn’t freaking about it).

I usually give up and just eat “normal” (i.e., everything in sight) for pretty much the whole Thanksgiving through New Year’s period every year, and the times I’ve gotten bloodwork done during that period or right after it, my cholesterol numbers have been great. It’s kinda silly.

"scientist’ conducts a study with a sample size of one and zero controls, publishes it with a clickbait title. Like, this is a perfect example of why youtube is trash.


Aha, but my followup anecdote makes it a sample size of two! Chessmate.

It’s also an absolutely standard example of a completely useless idea in nutrition. The number of people whose lives would be improved by eating a sleeve of Oreos regularly is exactly zero.

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You sure? I could wash them down with my daily glass of red wine which I’ve been assured will make me live to 100.

One of my great grandmas was a chain smoking alcoholic and lived to 100ish (can’t remember her exact age), seems like we should be emulating her.

I live how having the word scientist in the title is supposed to make us take it seriously

This only works if you also eat 5 kg of acai berries per day. Its a Super Food!

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Oreos are full of preservatives so a sleeve a day should promote longevity. But it would be better if they used the original recipe without all the mercury.

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