RFC: rules regarding long bans

This is so stupid. The board is dying, we have like 5 guys who are habitual line steppers, they clearly need to be IP nuked, the end.


I’m actually more likely than not on your side in this regard. But while we’re doing it, let’s establish rules for how this is supposed to be done.

I’m in favor of bannings being decided in one poll rather than 3 threads/polls.

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Hard pass.

The last thing we need is to re-litigate mod decisions and invite more drama, which in reality is what posters like Churchill want.

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So then when I become a mod, I can ban you for 24 months because there’s no rule that says otherwise? See how it might benefit everyone to create some rules around this?


Actually, if we don’t put rules around this, I will run for mod every nomination period going forward with the explicit promise to ban everyone who annoys me on this site for 10 years.


I’m not worried. The idea that there’s rampant mod abuse here is laughable.

Creating strict rules with a maximum of 2 weeks for a ban does nothing but allow bad faith actors to work within and abuse. Creating poll requirements simply allows more drama, which is what the bad faith actors want.

You have to just trust the mods that are chosen.

I’m pretty sure I can get 2/3 support.

Then you will probably not be elected.

For being a mod? Sure.

Again, I’m not worried.

Ok, if that’s the case, then let’s instead codify that there is no maximum length on a ban issued by any mod on this site. That would solve that being an open issue as well.

We are already doing this with no end in sight. With rules in place we can at some point say the community has decided and that decision is final.

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I agree with this, but if there’s no community will for it, we should instead codify that any elected mod may ban any poster for any length of time they see fit.

I believe it’s a good idea to have an automatic appeal process for lengthy bans, especially permabans. If the community approves/does not disapprove of a ban the matter should be considered settled.

I propose we put up two separate polls for vote to get an idea of where the community stands.

Poll 1. A moderator may issue any ban up to two weeks in length at their discretion. Any ban longer than two weeks (including permanent bans) needs to be approved by a community vote via a poll open for 3 days in length and having at least 60% support.

Poll 2. A moderator may issue any ban of any length, including permanent.

We should move forward with whichever rule has enough support from the community.

By the rules, that I helped make, it is too late this time. But which option of moderator ban lengths do you support?

And if neither option gets the requisite 60 percent approval?

Then we’re fucked I guess. I’m a yes voter on both FYI, because either is better than status quo.

Oh man look at that I slipped through your fingers again!

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Goofy says no, so the nomination is in progress!