RFC: Permaban Triceratops?

I have improved on the accuracy of my permaban RFCs by, in this case, verifying the user is in fact permabanned:


Typical lefty mods have got to go!

Triceratops’ body of work can be viewed here:


And he was banned here. However, every poster deserves their day in court, judged by a jury of their peers. Should this guy be permabanned? Straw poll below, and please discuss.

Should Triceratops be permabanned?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Need to do one for @Inso imo.

We already did a poll for inso0 and it was unanimous.

1 Like

Fair enough, then we need to do a Permaban @FreeCial1sclickHere! ? RFC.

Skimmed the first 100 posts and based on that I would say no :man_shrugging: It’s another Kelhus account right?

Voting no for everybody


We should probably censor out what appears to possibly be the guy’s real name in the OP.

Or like not have obviois trolling threads from the leading malcontent itf.