RFC: Adjusting the Rules as They Pertain to Moderator Terms and Rotation of Mods

Maybe. It’s one thing to volunteer, it’s another thing to actually stick with it and do a good job for 6 months. We will see how it goes with the new mods.

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Just to be clear… We’re talking about making sure nobody posts horse pr0n in the Pets Of Unstuck thread right?

How much worse of a job could have already been done in regards to the other parts, you know, the hard parts, the parts that the community wanted?

@anon29622970 should I rephrase that?

Do you have any thoughts on moderator terms and/or rotation of mods?




@LikeClockwork please edit your post, the second sentence is unnecessary.

@6IXxXxXx please stick to the topic at hand.

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  1. It won’t do anything to stop forum strife, as the reason for the strife has nothing to do with mods staying in place.
  2. It increases the chance of bad faith actors becoming mod
  3. I presume it’s a job that having more experience is beneficial

But mainly #1.

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I think this was the main argument earlier. However, we now seem to be in a place where lots of folks will step in if needed. I think there probably a bunch more who would in a pinch as well.


Wouldn’t we rather address the underlying condition that, in your view, inevitably leads to good, community supported moderators going postal rather than try to figure out how long they can be pushed to the brink beforehand and rescuing them in the nick of time?

Both sentences are unnecessary because my post is quite obviously sticking to the topic at hand. It’s even responding to the poster directly above and continuing that conversation.

So, that’s clearly an attack, not particularly veiled and even less clever, but an obvious attack of the like Meb asked to have addressed nonetheless.

If he apologizes and says it’s a combination of poor impulse control and reading ability or something similar, all is forgiven on my end, but I don’t speak for everybody.

This is also quite obviously an attack in my book but you somehow don’t see it. Just a “fact” that needed saying in your world I suppose.

“How much worse of a job could have already been done in regards to the other parts, you know, the hard parts, the parts that the community wanted?”

So, yes, I agree with your assessment that we are living in two different realities and that is the underlying problem.


Of course I saw how someone like you could potentially take it as an attack, that’s why I asked Meb if I should rephrase it to be more diplomatic!


It’s obviously not an attack (if you’re saying I don’t have the right to voice that opinion then, when the topic A Mod Who Is Good is already on the floor uh, wow) but I even accounted for that possibility that it could be misconstrued, and nope, that didn’t break your stride for one second champ.

So you understand why I think it is an attack and even anticipated it would be perceived as such, but it is all fine and dandy in your book because you asked meb (who is not the subject of the attack) if it was okay with him.

Like I said, I agree different realities. Have fun blowing up another mediation attempt and blaming everyone else but yourself.

Yes, because you having a subjective opinion that somebody shouldn’t be allowed to voice their opinion does not make it objective reality. I went above and beyond by even offering to edit it. Like, you just called it an “attack” again but I reject the premise that it was, and we’re back at square one, where you all don’t seem to even grasp the concept that somebody could even disagree with your underlying premise.

Anyhow, I offered that comment to say that as somebody who was a mod of two different forums on 2and2 for years (BBV4L and NVG lol) it’s easy as fuck if you don’t give a shit about community feedback whining tantrum babies whining.

“Why’d you infract/ban me/lock my thread/delete my post/etc?”

“Because fuck you that’s why.”

That’s super duper easy to do!

Like… why?

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Why what?

I think you might be asking the wrong person.

A lot of attacks, including yours, are subjective opinions. You can post whatever the fuck you want, the question is whether you should.

Great, you reiterated exactly what I was trying to explain. So that’s squared away.

Do you wanna tackle the question posed to me,

maybe post #128, or are we all done here?

Lol I think there might be so maybe you can clear up the confusion ahead of time?

I’m guessing you’re not going to say it’s because of the World’s Greatest Contribution you just made, right?