Request for Comments: Gatekeeping Rule and Moderator Votes

With all due respect, “this” is much larger than whether keeed becomes a mod or not. In some ways, and to some people, this forum is in crisis and has been for quite awhile (maybe a year or so).

I am not representative of anything or anyone, but here is my anecdotal evidence. I became so annoyed with the “tenor” of the forum that I stayed away for many months last year. I found other forums to visit/contribute to and found other things to do with my time. (I am not nor do I claim to be a significant contributor to UP.)

There is no magic solution to “fix” the forum’s problems. Of course, not everyone agrees that we have problems or if so what they are or if they are fixable. But the recent spate of threads/polls/etc. (including this thread) is a clear reflection that some people want changes and/or protocols to be established to engender changes.

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The forum will always be in crisis because different people want the forum to be different things.

define crisis. I can show that in the last year we’ve actually doubled in size. What I think we’re experiencing is probably growing pains.

You’re not wrong, I just want to be clear what people are talking about here.

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That last poll I think is bad. The options are majority standard, 2/3 standard, and 60 percent standard. 2/3 is 66 percent. We really want to give 60 and 66 as options? It seems to muddy the waters, especially since no option is getting a majority right now.

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I am not saying you are wrong, in fact I think there’s a great deal of truth in what you are saying.

What I am saying is that it is a larger issue than what you are painting it as. Suppose, hypothetically, that Wookie stepped down as mod and Keeed took his place tomorrow. How much of the forum’s “problems” would that solve? I imagine that you would probably say a high number and I would probably say a low number.

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I’m not setting the rules here. I’m soliciting comments and opinions from the community on what they should be.


I’m not a fan of YOLO-ing it and mashing buttons.

You’re welcome to make your case. But I can’t really argue against your imagination when you claim I want only mods making valid polls. That is not what I want.

If you want to put up a referendum on me as a mod, fine. If I am removed, I will still continue this rule making system as a community member, unless the community thinks I also should be banned or otherwise prohibited from doing so.


He shouldn’t have to put up a poll to have you removed. The job should not be permanent


Thank you for your thoughts.

You’re welcome

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I will not be mod for life.

But you seem to think you should be mod for as long as you decide that you should be. That’s kind of the same thing.

I do not, no.

Yes, you do

OK, cool. Nothing I can say can prove you wrong, so how about we move on, or you just straight have me voted out?

I mean, how long do you want to be mod?

I should not have to. No one should have to because your role as a mod should not be permanent


He is mod until the community decides on a replacement process. Everyone screaming at Wookie while he is making a good faith effort to facilitate that process isn’t helping anything.

He made a poll that will empower the community to draft their own rules to vote on, without any mod involvement if we decide, and we have people claiming he is King George here. Just accept the goddamn win, FFS.