Request for Comments: Gatekeeping Rule and Moderator Votes

The issue with this line of thinking is that it allows the moderation of the site to be dominated by the people who have the most stake in it (and no one has a bigger stake in moderation decisions than people who want to troll, which might be why they never ever stop complaining about it). The trolls have a voter turnout rate of 100%, at a minimum everyone on the site should be notified that there’s a vote taking place so that they can weigh in.

A banner isn’t really badgering anyway, so :shrug:

Also, any poster would always be able to post about it in the LC thread or wherever.

There’s no reason why we can’t question the good faith of a slew of gimmick votes or the like. That is already against the rules.

At last, we have an official troll list…



I am a troll, but I do not troll this site. I reserve that for facebook but I am close to being banned there.

So, I have only 9 more days as a mod. Things have been going so well lately and I’m hoping to ride this out in peace. Yeah, I’m sure @boredsocial meant you @Jalfrezi (among others) - but please, let’s call this even and stop it here.

What happened to the idea of opening an “official” RFC thread for mod issues (terms, etc.)?

I think everybody will agree to having “parallel” threads and timelines at this point. If for no other reason than to start the clock ticking (or else this will all take a very long time).

To the best of my knowledge, no. And even if so, it wouldn’t really prevent malfeasance, as a handful of gimmicks could vote, but their votes couldn’t be invalidated. They could scuff the whole vote that way.

There’s probably a way I could view something like that but I’ve never bothered to look into it, just guessing.

Based on the poll results, this should proceed to a rule vote.

Happy to see unanimous assent. Excellent work synthesizing forum sentiment.

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Alright maybe someone else can make it and I can just banner it if people want

@microbet would you mind making the OP and poll for the new thread?

I think it will be more neutral and official if it comes from one of the mods or admins. Alternatively, we could create an account just for making official polls.

I can draft up the OP if that makes it easier.

I don’t mind, and you drafting it would be great, thanks.

Don’t you really just need a preface that this is the rule up for a vote, then copy the text from this post:

Then add a poll, yes/no, enable show who voted.

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Looking at that posts and the posts since then, that seems right.

@economist, is that right?

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We need a post like the one below. The poll should be open for a week with “single choice” and “show who voted” checked


Poll: should the following proposal be adopted as a forum rule?

  • Yes
  • No

Done and done and I mean done. Correctly I hope.


Nitting but 3 full days = 3 full calendar days or 72 hours?

3 day? It is 7 days I think. And the calendar thingy I clicked gave date and time and it was exactly the same time of day 7 days from now.